IHTSDO / authoring-ui

SNOMED CT Authoring Frontend Application, part of the SNOMED International Authoring Platform
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Front end of snomed #4

Open slim369 opened 4 years ago

slim369 commented 4 years ago


We are configuring the front end of snomed. When we try to login there is an issue. Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://sp0112test/authoring-services/ui-configuration

Could you send us the procedure to install the authoring-services, please?

Chris-Swires commented 4 years ago


The authoring-services project (and it's setup instructions) can be found here: https://github.com/IHTSDO/authoring-services

The ui-configuration file it contains configures the front-end application's many backend dependencies.

You will also need to set up an instance of Snowstorm: https://github.com/IHTSDO/snowstorm in the case that you haven't.

As a word of caution the Front-end requires many dependencies to function in it's intended function (the authoring of SNOMED CT content) - is this your intended use case?

The full dependency diagram can be found here: https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/AUTHS/SNOMED+International+-+Tooling+Architecture+Blueprint (the second image).

kaicode commented 4 years ago

If you just need to browse SNOMED CT you can use Snowstorm and the Browser frontend.

slim369 commented 4 years ago

Hi everybody,

 Thanks for all this information but my problem is that i have a error when i want to do the login : 



Can you help me to resolve this issue ?

Kind Regards, Slim

Chris-Swires commented 4 years ago

Hey Slim,

Might I ask again what the intended use case for the tool is?

As above in order to make use of that config file you'll need to set up a local instance of the authoring-services https://github.com/IHTSDO/authoring-services from this repository and then using nginx or similar route /authoring-services to your local instance.

The front end application is not intended to be stand alone.



slim369 commented 4 years ago

Hi Chris,

 The intended use case is to use this tool to ask the SNOMED Database installed in our local instance.  

I think i need a .jar from the sources files . Where can i find it ?


Kind Regards, Slim

slim369 commented 4 years ago


kaicode commented 4 years ago

Hi @slim369,

Thank you for providing information about your intended use case:

The intended use case is to use this tool to ask the SNOMED Database installed in our local instance.

You have two options for deployment:

  1. If you need to search / browse / query existing SNOMED CT we recommend using the public browser. This publicly accessible instance can be used for research / development purposes but not for integration with production systems. You can set up a self hosted version of this service using the sct-browser-frontend and the Snowstorm SNOMED Terminology Server. Nothing else is needed except perhaps an HTTP server like Nginx.

  2. If you need to "author" (create / edit / inactivate / translate) SNOMED CT concepts, maybe to create a SNOMED CT Extension release for your country or organisation; SNOMED CT authoring requires the whole Authoring Platform including a terminology server and around ten other backend services. It requires around three large servers and a few weeks to a couple of months to get fully configured and working.

If you only need case 1 then this authoring-ui project is not required, neither is authoring-services, these are both part of the Authoring Platform.

I hope this helps. We are quite concerned that you are starting down a path which will take a huge amount of effort and resources and may not be what you need.

Kind regards, Kai

MacL3an commented 3 years ago


Hijacking this thread since it seems kind of related to what I'm trying to accomplish. We are a company that want to create our own SNOMED extensions. @kaicode I see from option 2 above that setting up the authoring platform locally seems like quite a daunting task. So I'm wondering - does everyone who wants to extend SNOMED have to do do this? Is this how the country specific versions of SNOMED have been created? I read somewhere about an online Authoring Platform that required an account? Could this online platform be used instead? If not, is there any guide on how to get started with the platform locally?

kaicode commented 3 years ago

Hi @MacL3an,

The Authoring Platform hosted by SNOMED International is currently only available as a Managed Service to National Release Centers (see Members - "Managed service"). Organisations who are not a National Release Center currently do have to set up their own authoring platform in order to maintain an extension using our tooling. Feel free to email info@snomed.org to register your interest in using the managed service as a private organisation but I don't think anything is in the works at the moment to support this. Sorry that I don't have better news.

We know of several organisations who have successfully set up the authoring platform. I am not at liberty to share their details but you can probably find people in a similar situation via the github issues in this repository and the Snowstorm repo. If you reach out there may be an opportunity to collaborate - just a suggestion!

If you do choose to take the plunge and set up your own authoring platform there is an architecture diagram with links to the git repo for many of the components. I would also recommend using the Authoring Platform release notes which detail the versions of software components that will work together.

I would love to have all whole platform available as a set of orchestrated containers but we are a long way off that.

ovanekem commented 3 years ago

Hi @kaicode , I'm in a bit the same situation as @MacL3an so I also take the opportunity of this thread to ask my question which is quite related. We're a private company but we're doing a study for a hospital where an authoring application has been custom developed. The custom software reads and writes standard RF2 files. Would it make sense then (if they're allowed to - they're a SNOMED licensed organization but I don't know if being a licensed member is sufficient to access the managed services) to migrate them to the managed services and import their current refsets into the managed services so they continue authoring their specific RF2 files using the SNOMED hosted managed services? Can those RF2 be "private" or does using managed services mean automatically that other members have access to the specific refsets managed by an organization? If not possible and if we're to install the authoring suite internally it seems indeed a lot of work vs the actual benefit (although I'd be super excited helping you guys to produce a set of coherently versioned containers as a Kubernetes suite ;-) that would be awesome).

kaicode commented 3 years ago

Hi @ovanekem, As I said before, the Managed Service (SNOMED International hosted authoring platform) is only currently available to National Release Centers, so unfortunately a hospital would not qualify. You could host the authoring platform yourself or find a vendor offering SNOMED CT authoring capabilities. A Kubernetes suite does sound awesome. There is nothing stopping you collaborating with others on that. SNOMED International have a full roadmap for the next six months at least so we are not able to help at the moment.