IHTSDO / classification-service

Standalone Classification Service providing OWL Reasoning against SNOMED CT RF2 files.
13 stars 1 forks source link

Create tech stack docs (techstack.yml and techstack.md) #13

Closed stack-file[bot] closed 2 months ago

stack-file[bot] commented 3 months ago

Adding tech stack documentation to allow anyone to easily see what is being used in this repo without digging through config files. Two files are being added: techstack.yml and techstack.md. techstack.yml contains data on all the technologies being used in this repo. techstack.md is a visualization of the YML file and displays the tech stack data in a pretty Markdown file.

💡 Protip: techstack.md contains a comment at the top of the file that the following README snippet (with and without the logos) at the top of the file as a comment:

<--- Readme.md Snippet without images Start --->

Tech Stack

IHTSDO/classification-service is built on the following main stack:

Full tech stack here

<--- Readme.md Snippet without images End --->

Get the code:

## Tech Stack
IHTSDO/classification-service is built on the following main stack:

- [Java](https://www.java.com) – Languages
- [Spring Framework](https://spring.io/projects/spring-framework) – Frameworks (Full Stack)
- [ActiveMQ](http://activemq.apache.org/) – Message Queue
- [Log4j](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/) – Logging Tools
- [Logback](https://logback.qos.ch/) – Log Management
- [Travis CI](http://travis-ci.com/) – Continuous Integration
- [Apache Camel](https://camel.apache.org/) – Platform as a Service
- [Shell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_script) – Shells

Full tech stack [here](/techstack.md)

<--- Readme.md Snippet with images Start --->

Tech Stack

IHTSDO/classification-service is built on the following main stack:

Full tech stack here

<--- Readme.md Snippet with images End --->

Get the code:

## Tech Stack
IHTSDO/classification-service is built on the following main stack:

- <img width='25' height='25' src='https://img.stackshare.io/service/995/K85ZWV2F.png' alt='Java'/> [Java](https://www.java.com) – Languages
- <img width='25' height='25' src='https://img.stackshare.io/service/2006/spring-framework-project-logo.png' alt='Spring Framework'/> [Spring Framework](https://spring.io/projects/spring-framework) – Frameworks (Full Stack)
- <img width='25' height='25' src='https://img.stackshare.io/service/1062/default_08edb6f82e2c79424efc1e297ab096e50acd8e0b.jpg' alt='ActiveMQ'/> [ActiveMQ](http://activemq.apache.org/) – Message Queue
- <img width='25' height='25' src='https://img.stackshare.io/service/2804/Coralogix-log4j-integration.jpg' alt='Log4j'/> [Log4j](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/) – Logging Tools
- <img width='25' height='25' src='https://img.stackshare.io/service/2923/05518ecaa42841e834421e9d6987b04f_400x400.png' alt='Logback'/> [Logback](https://logback.qos.ch/) – Log Management
- <img width='25' height='25' src='https://img.stackshare.io/service/460/Lu6cGu0z_400x400.png' alt='Travis CI'/> [Travis CI](http://travis-ci.com/) – Continuous Integration
- <img width='25' height='25' src='https://img.stackshare.io/service/3276/xWt1RFo6_400x400.jpg' alt='Apache Camel'/> [Apache Camel](https://camel.apache.org/) – Platform as a Service
- <img width='25' height='25' src='https://img.stackshare.io/service/4631/default_c2062d40130562bdc836c13dbca02d318205a962.png' alt='Shell'/> [Shell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_script) – Shells

Full tech stack [here](/techstack.md)