IHTSDO / snowstorm

Scalable SNOMED CT Terminology Server using Elasticsearch
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Retrieve descendants and description of each descendant #620

Open anhtienng opened 3 weeks ago

anhtienng commented 3 weeks ago


Please suggest me the better way to do this. Thank you.

kaicode commented 2 weeks ago

The FHIR API allows listing descendants with descriptions in one request: /fhir/ValueSet/$expand?includeDesignations=true&url=http://snomed.info/sct?fhir_vs=isa/195967001&_format=json

That url http://snomed.info/sct uses the latest loaded release of the default SNOMED CT edition on the server. On the International demo server that is the International Edition. This works with Snowstorm and Snowstorm Lite.

If your IP address has been blocked from the demo Snowstorm server it should be lifted automatically after 24 hours.

It's quick to get a local Snowstorm Lite server running in docker; if you have a login to the MLDS service then the syndication option can be used, otherwise a SNOMED CT release package can be loaded from disk. Republic of Korea is a member country so you should be able to get access.

kaicode commented 2 weeks ago

There is a FHIR API on the Snomed International Snowstorm demo server here: https://snowstorm.ihtsdotools.org/fhir There is also an unofficial and temporary Snowstorm Lite demo server here: https://snowstorm-lite.nw.r.appspot.com/fhir

anhtienng commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you very much, I will try your solution.