IHaskell / IHaskell

A Haskell kernel for the Jupyter project.
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Support libraries don't seem to be working on newest version #561

Closed wyager closed 9 years ago

wyager commented 9 years ago

I may just be doing this wrong, but when a code cell evaluates to something that should be displayed nicely (like a JuicyPixels Image), it just says

Unshowable:Image Pixel8
No instance for (Show (Image Pixel8)) arising from a use of ‘print’
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

I already did cabal install ihaskell-juicypixels.

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Ipython 4?

wyager commented 9 years ago


: ipython --version
gibiansky commented 9 years ago

I think this is an installation issue. How did you install ihaskell? I've installed via stack install and if I run jupyter notebook inside the ihaskell it works.

wyager commented 9 years ago

I used cabal install and jupyter notebook. I'll try again with stack later.

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Was there a sandbox involved? Also, did you reinstall all the IHaskell support libraries after installing IHaskell (assuming you had an older version of IHaskell before)? ghc-pkg list may show you more – perhaps they are installed but broken?

wyager commented 9 years ago

Nope, it's just in my global package store. Here's my ghc-pkg list output; maybe I missed something.

/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/7.10.2-x86_64/usr/lib/ghc-7.10.2/package.conf.d: Cabal- GLURaw- GLUT- HTTP-4000.2.20 HUnit- ObjectName- OpenGL- OpenGLRaw- QuickCheck-2.8.1 StateVar- array- async-2.0.2 attoparsec- base- bin-package-db- binary- rts-1.0 bytestring- case-insensitive- cgi-3001.2.2.2 containers- deepseq- directory- exceptions- fgl- filepath- (ghc-7.10.2) ghc-prim- hashable- haskeline- haskell-src- hoopl- hpc- hscolour-1.23 html- integer-gmp- mtl-2.2.1 multipart-0.1.2 network- network-uri- old-locale- old-time- parallel- parsec-3.1.9 pretty- primitive-0.6 process- random-1.1 regex-base-0.93.2 regex-compat-0.95.1 regex-posix-0.95.2 scientific- split-0.2.2 stm-2.4.4 syb-0.5.1 template-haskell- terminfo- text- tf-random-0.5 time- transformers- transformers-compat- unix- unordered-containers- vector- xhtml-3000.2.1 zlib-

/Users/williamyager/.ghc/x86_64-darwin-7.10.2/package.conf.d: JuicyPixels- MonadRandom-0.4 SHA- active- adjunctions-4.2.1 aeson- aeson-pretty-0.7.2 ansi-terminal- ansi-wl-pprint- asn1-encoding-0.9.0 asn1-parse-0.9.1 asn1-types-0.3.0 auto-update- base-orphans-0.4.3 base16-bytestring- base64-bytestring- bifunctors-5 blaze-builder- blaze-html- blaze-markup- byteable-0.1.1 bytes- bytestring-builder- cereal- circle-packing- cmdargs-0.10.13 colour-2.3.3 comonad- connection-0.2.5 constraints- contravariant-1.3.2 cookie- cpphs-1.19.2 cryptohash-0.11.6 cryptonite-0.6 data-default-0.5.3 data-default-class-0.0.1 data-default-instances-base-0.0.1 data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1 data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1 data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1 deepseq-generics- diagrams-1.3 diagrams-contrib- diagrams-core- diagrams-lib- diagrams-solve-0.1 diagrams-svg- dimensional- distributive-0.4.4 dlist- dual-tree- electrum-mnemonic-0.1.2 enclosed-exceptions- extensible-exceptions- extra-1.4.1 fast-logger-2.4.1 file-embed- filelock- fingertree- force-layout- free-4.12.1 fsnotify-0.2.1 ghc-parser- ghc-paths- gitrev-1.1.0 groups- happstack-server-7.4.4 hashtables- haskell-src-exts- haskell-src-meta- hastache-0.6.1 here-1.2.7 hfsevents-0.1.5 hlint-1.9.21 hourglass-0.2.9 hslogger-1.2.9 http-client-0.4.19 http-client-tls-0.2.2 http-types-0.8.6 ieee754-0.7.6 ihaskell- ihaskell- ihaskell-aeson- ihaskell-juicypixels- intervals-0.7.1 ipython-kernel- kan-extensions-4.2.2 keyed- keyed- largeword-1.2.3 lens-4.12.3 lifted-async- lifted-base- linear- lucid-2.9.2 lucid-svg- memory-0.7 mime-types- mmorph-1.0.4 monad-control- monad-loops-0.4.3 monoid-extras- mwc-random- nats-1 network-info- newtype-0.2 numbers-3000.2.0.1 numtype-1.1 optparse-applicative- path-0.5.2 path-pieces-0.2.0 pem-0.2.2 polyparse-1.11 prelude-extras-0.4 profunctors-5.1.1 reflection-2 retry-0.6 safe-0.3.9 semigroupoids- semigroups- sendfile-0.7.9 shelly- silently-1.2.5 socks-0.5.4 statestack- stm-chans- streaming-commons- strict-0.3.2 system-argv0-0.1.1 system-fileio- system-filepath- tagged-0.8.1 tar- temporary- th-expand-syns- th-lift-0.7.2 th-orphans-0.12.2 th-reify-many-0.1.3 threads- time-compat- tls-1.3.1 transformers-base-0.4.4 uniplate-1.6.12 unix-compat- utf8-string-1 uuid-1.3.11 uuid-types-1.0.2 vector-binary-instances- void-0.7 word8-0.1.2 x509-1.6.0 x509-store-1.6.0 x509-system-1.6.0 x509-validation-1.6.0 zeromq4-haskell-0.6.3

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

What's the code you're trying? Perhaps it's an issue with juicypixels specifically...

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Also, you have two versions of ihaskell installed – that may cause problems. I suggest using ghc-pkg unregister to remove all the ihaskell-related packages and then trying again. It's quite possible that having two ihaskell packages will confuse it, because the ihaskell extension packages may be linked to the wrong ones, so it refuses to load them... Just a guess.

wyager commented 9 years ago

Tried to reinstall ihaskell. Looks like doesn't build for some reason, including

Preprocessing executable 'ihaskell' for ihaskell-
[1 of 2] Compiling IHaskellPrelude  ( main/IHaskellPrelude.hs, dist/build/ihaskell/ihaskell-tmp/IHaskellPrelude.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( main/Main.hs, dist/build/ihaskell/ihaskell-tmp/Main.o )

    ‘implementation’ is not a (visible) field of constructor ‘KernelInfoReply’
<more in the same vein> 
gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Ah, thanks. Make sure you install ipython-kernel >= 0.7. I forgot to add the lower version bound.

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Should be fixed on Hackage now with

wyager commented 9 years ago

It installs now. However, trying to do anything in a notebook results in no action, and this output from jupyter:

[I 00:01:42.887 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (1/5)
ihaskell: stack: readCreateProcessWithExitCode: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)
[I 00:01:45.902 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (2/5)
ihaskell: stack: readCreateProcessWithExitCode: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)
gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Do you have stack installed? If so, what version of it, and what does stack exec env return?

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Ah, I think I inadvertently broke IHaskell for anyone who doesn't have stack. Damn.

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Sorry, should be fixed now.

wyager commented 9 years ago

Success! (Sort of.)

screen shot 2015-08-26 at 12 33 09 am

Also, out of curiosity, how do you determine if something is displayable? Do you somehow check if an instance is in scope?

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Yes – packages named ihaskell-blah are loaded and IHaskell.Display.Blah is imported. Instances of IHaskellDisplay are imported from these modules. Anything with an IHaskellDisplay instance is displayed (instead of trying to use a Show instance). The demo notebook gives an example of writing your own IHaskellDisplay instances.

Does this happen with all images you can generate? You may also want to check .ihaskell.juicypixels.jpg manually to see what's going on with that file.

I can help debug this some more tomorrow.

wyager commented 9 years ago

I tried a number of images and pixel formats (including the standard RGB8). Same error.

Where does that file live? Also, is there any particular reason it's JPG over, say, PNG?

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

My guess is that that file lives in whatever directory your notebook is running in.

No, I don't think there's a reason to prefer JPG over PNG. I didn't write ihaskell-juicypixels though, so I'm not sure...

wyager commented 9 years ago

Yeah, it was doing some wonky stuff. I fixed the library and changed it to use PNGs (and not use IO). I'll email the author to see if he will update it.

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

It's in the IHaskell repository, so feel free to make a PR here and I will merge it. I am maintaining ihaskell-juicypixels and I think this is a pretty safe change.

wyager commented 9 years ago

Oh, cool. Yeah I'll submit a PR.

wyager commented 9 years ago

PR submitted.

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Can you explain why it wasn't working before?

wyager commented 9 years ago

Sure. Quoted from PR:

Further detail: the way this used to work was it would save the image to a JPEG file, load the bytes from the file, and then use those. Besides being circuitous, this method also broke because, at some point, hGetContents (by way of prelude's readFile) started checking that it was only reading valid unicode or something, which meant that it would no longer read binary files like JPEGs without crashing.

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

Strange that this worked originally, then. PR looks good. Will merge once it passes test suite.

wyager commented 9 years ago

It looks like it failed the test suite on a single test on a single version, but I'm not sure if this is my fault. What do you think?

gibiansky commented 9 years ago

It was just a code formatting issue. I can fix this.