IIED-org / IIED-main

Unified site (IIED-main)
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Wireframe content and landing page #646

Open ncktrnr opened 1 year ago

ncktrnr commented 1 year ago

Attached are the initial wireframes. They include a few assumptions, so it's a starting point for further revisions.


There's a simple user flow included. This needs expanding in more detail to ensure all options and displays are covered. https://iied.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/WebTeam/Shared%20Documents/IIED-main/[hidden-handbake.pdf](https://iied.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/WebTeam/Shared%20Documents/IIED-main/hidden-handbake.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=b6kmdB)?csf=1&web=1&e=b6kmdB

ncktrnr commented 1 year ago

XD project has been shared. Please message if any issues accessing.

DavidIIED commented 1 year ago

Online copy also shared: https://xd.adobe.com/view/a24717c7-9d9b-4562-b30b-3e81fb38f692-f714/

Feedback requested by 14/04.