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Sequences helper #6

Open stephenwf opened 2 years ago

stephenwf commented 2 years ago

There are quite a few ways viewers can sequences up canvases, and optionally regions / time-slices to present to the user.

You could make a sequences of canvases from:

The slices of IIIF that can affect any given sequence:

This helper should be useful both for providing enough information to display the current item in a sequence, helpers for next/previous in a sequence and also easy to build a tree or list navigation from one.

Here's what a single parsed sequence might look like:

const sequence: ParsedSequence = {
  id: 'https://example.org/sequence',
  type: 'manifest-items',
  label: {en: ['something']},
  start: 0,
  grouping: [
    [ 0 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 3 ]
  navigation: {
    id: '..', // maybe reuse the range ID?
    label: { en: ['Table of contents'] },
    items: [
      { id: '..', label: { en: ['Cover'] }, start: 0, indexes: [0] },
      { id: '..', label: { en: ['Chapter 1'] }, start: 1, indexes: [1, 2] },
      { id: '..', label: { en: ['Back cover'] }, start: 3, indexes: [3] },
  items: [
    // Should all be resolvable with `vault.get()`
    { id: 'https://example.org/cover', type: 'Canvas', label: { en: ['Cover']} },
    { id: 'https://example.org/page-1', type: 'Canvas', label: { en: ['Page 1']} },
    { id: 'https://example.org/page-2', type: 'Canvas', label: { en: ['Page 2']} },
    { id: 'https://example.org/back', type: 'Canvas', label: { en: ['Back']} },

With helpers like:

nextInSequence(sequence: ParsedSequence, currentIndex: number): index | undefined;
previousInSequence(sequence: ParsedSequence, currentIndex: number): index | undefined;
activeNavigation(sequence: ParsedSequence, currentIndex: number): string[]; // For active states
getGrouping(sequence: ParsedSequence, currentIndex: number): number[];


There are some examples of book paging strategies: https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0011-book-3-behavior/

Accordion book - in this example, there are 4 images that are continuous. In other words there is only ever one grouping:

{ grouping: [ [0, 1, 2, 3] ], ... }

Individuals - the groupings in this example would be flat (or not present)

{ grouping: [ [0], [1], [2], [3], ],  ... }

Table of contents: https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0024-book-4-toc/ This will be very relevant, and the most likely use-case to be found in the wild.

Nav date is explained here (possibly out of scope, see below) https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0230-navdate/

Time-based range navigation here: https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0026-toc-opera/ Although this should be supported, returning SpecificResource instead of canvas references (PR upcoming in IIIF Parser) - it would not be able to tell you which media should be playing. So there is still a gap for a vault helper that can take "Canvas" + "Time range" and return enough data to construct an <audio /> tag with correct start/end. To highlight the complexity - you could "paint" an MP4 onto a canvas using:

  "id": "https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0026-toc-opera/canvas/1/annotation_page/1/annotation/1",
  "type": "Annotation",
  "motivation": "painting",
  "target": "https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0026-toc-opera/canvas/1#t=0,30",
  "body": {
    "id": "https://fixtures.iiif.io/video/indiana/donizetti-elixir/vae0637_accessH264_low.mp4",
    "type": "Video",
    "format": "video/mp4",
    "height": 1080,
    "width": 1920,
    "duration": 30,
    "selector": {
      "type": "FragmentSelector",
      "conformsTo": "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/",
      "value": "t=30,60"

With this annotation, you are saying that you want to play from 30s-60s from the audio source, and paint it onto the canvas at 0s-30s. So when you have a range that says: canvas/1#t=10 that needs to be resolved into 10s for the UI, but 40s for the <audio/>

Annotations: https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0269-embedded-or-referenced-annotations/ In this example, either embedded or referenced annotations, inside of an annotation page, could be constructed into a sequence. For example it could be used to drive navigation through search results or drive exhibition-style experiences.

Missing pieces
