During the IIIF Annual Conference 2023 the week of June 5 2023, there was discussion of potential requirements and attributes for camera annotation items:
Needs a "look-at" target, which could either be a 3D point selector or a painting annotation URI (for referencing a camera to a 3D model, label annotation, etc. as the look-at target), which determines the orientation/directionality of the camera view
Needs a FOV property, defined as a floating point degree value similar to Three.js
Needs a 3D position property
Common camera specification properties like near limit, far limit, and aspect ratio are left to implementation and considered out of scope
Specifying a camera is optional, and not necessary
It should be possible to specify multiple cameras, to provide functionality for switching between views
Currently unknown how shifts or transitions between cameras should be documented (CSS?), or if how camera view shifts are accomplished should be considered out of scope
As a museum digital exhibit visitor
I want to obtain a URL that loads the 3D scene at a particular viewpoint
So that I can share an interesting detail of an object with a friend
Relates to https://iiif.io/api/content-state/0.9/
Copy of IIIF/iiif-3d-stories#13