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Demo harness: 3+ viewers using a common JSON annotation format #17

Closed JulieWinchester closed 1 year ago

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

This is a task to create a milestone technical set of experiments that relates to user story #14, possibly others.

Acceptance criteria:

Current progress:

Progress needed:

After these points are finished, this task can potentially be closed and further work described as a new task (possibly in a GitHub project).

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

Acceptance criteria for initial demos:

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

Of the existing demos, the Google Model Viewer demo needs an additional glove annotation label. The X3D demo needs an additional glove annotation label, and to load the annotations from JSON input.

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

Here is the JSON currently used by the Google Model Viewer demo. Need to add glove annotation and change face mask label to "visor".

    "normal":"0.29259561389217825 0.11383937564155769 0.9494358342113489",
    "position":"0.0652451665004884 1.8182700174153779 0.32465106720430725",
    "value":"face mask"
edsilv commented 1 year ago

Updated model-viewer demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/model-viewer-annotations-demo-3k5tqo

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

Perfect, thanks! I'm also adding the new JSON used by the updated demo:

        "id": 0,
        "normal": "0.29259561389217825 0.11383937564155769 0.9494358342113489",
        "position": "0.017023790299119268 1.8062894401300538 0.34094835034109217",
        "value": "visor"
        "id": 1,
        "normal": "0.47124483745139667 0.05608789306010443 0.8802172751244348",
        "position": "0.5175891304384852 0.9555791975125096 0.12190797586809543",
        "value": "glove"
JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

I've also updated #18, but here is the Aleph viewer demo loading the same annotation information as the other two examples. Specifically, it loads an annotation for the visor and the glove on the Astronaut 3D model. It loads the annotations from an external JSON file, as well.


  "nodes": [
        "normal": "0.29259561389217825 0.11383937564155769 0.9494358342113489",
        "position": "0.017023790299119268 1.8062894401300538 0.34094835034109217",
        "scale": 0.025,
        "title": "Visor"
        "normal": "0.47124483745139667 0.05608789306010443 0.8802172751244348",
        "position": "0.5175891304384852 0.9555791975125096 0.12190797586809543",
        "scale": 0.025,
        "title": "Glove"

It's worth noting the format is different for Aleph compared to Google Model Viewer, but with the exception of the scale tag, the information is equivalent and interchangeable between those two viewers.

gjcope commented 1 year ago

I've created a Voyager version of the demo here: https://codesandbox.io/s/voyager-annotations-demo-o9l1rq?file=/index.html

The relevant JSON for the annotations is as follows:

"annotations": [
      "id": "qs8H9mXZSr8p",
      "titles": {
          "EN": "visor"
      "leads": {
          "EN": ""
      "position": [
      "direction": [
      "scale": 0.0603153,
      "color": [
      "id": "J2gO1sGNobxk",
      "titles": {
          "EN": "glove"
      "leads": {
          "EN": ""
      "position": [
      "direction": [
      "scale": 0.08,
      "color": [
JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

A similar (but not exactly the same) SketchFab demo has been contributed via the IIIF 3D Slack: https://jsfiddle.net/nebulousflynn/uykbgjaw/1/

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

I have created VIEWER_JSON_DEMOS.md in the associated repository to better track the growing number of demos and updates to the demos over time. I've modified the top post as well, which should be up to date as of this date of this comment.

Cook4986 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the thorough documentation, Julie. Here are a few initial observations:


Google Model Viewer




There were no obvious performance issues with any of the viewer tests. Regarding JSON formatting, the Aleph and Voyager key headers ("nodes", "annotations") benefit from human readability. I'll be curious to see the Sketchfab and X3D JSON.

Please let me know if this thread isn't the place for such feedback and I'll move these comments to one of our IIIF TSG Google docs.

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

As tracked in the Annotation Demo project and especially in https://github.com/IIIF/3d/issues/25, this task is now successfully complete. Our markdown document describing JSON viewer demos has been updated to reflect latest work. Thanks all!