IIIF / 3d

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Modify viewer demos to use canonical JSON and viewer-specific translation snippet (make issue per viewer) #25

Closed JulieWinchester closed 1 year ago

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

We need forks of code sandboxes for the individual demos in the viewer demo documentation modified to use our common JSON label annotations.

gjcope commented 1 year ago

Voyager demo fork is here: https://codesandbox.io/s/voyager-annotations-demo-forked-rqivl4?file=/index.html

Main adjustment was aligning attribute names.

edsilv commented 1 year ago

Sketchfab demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/sad-lena-b39r00?file=/src/index.js

edsilv commented 1 year ago

Google model-viewer demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/model-viewer-annotations-demo-3k5tqo

edsilv commented 1 year ago

modelviewer annos pasted into sketchfab: 8CF8C450-1A15-47ED-ADAA-829DB597B614

sketchfab annos pasted into modelviewer: 6A89C632-7F9D-4A75-A65A-258EC8A1E481

@gjcope any chance you could add a text field under Voyager to copy/paste annotation json into/out of?

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

Aleph demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/aleph-annotation-demo-common-annotation-json-8rbos9

I also added a text field similar to what the Model Viewer demo uses to allow for interactive experimentation with annotation JSON.

edsilv commented 1 year ago

Tried copying/pasting annotations between the aleph and modelviewer demos and they appear in their correct locations.

vincentmarchetti commented 1 year ago

have modified the X3D viewer to read annotations from a local copy of the canonical json at https://github.com/IIIF/3d/blob/main/demo/json/label-annotation-issue-17.json at commit c353301

X3D demo is at https://codesandbox.io/p/github/vincentmarchetti/x3d-remote-annotation

JulieWinchester commented 1 year ago

This task and this project have been successfully completed, good work all! Thanks to everyone for all of the effort and great results.