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How to light a `Scene`? #2258

Open tomcrane opened 11 months ago

tomcrane commented 11 months ago

Rob’s draft:

A Scene has an ambient light source, given in the ambientLight property, which if not present has a default of 0.75 intensity white light. Other lights can be added in a model file, and annotated on to the Scene. This allows the simplest case of just ambient white light to be assumed, and gives publishers full control over lighting in more complex cases. Lights which are in other models MUST be rendered only if the Annotation of the model has the "render-light" behavior.

Question How to do "headlight" lights that are tied to a camera, when that camera can move or be swapped away from to a different camera? Need to turn lights on or off?

The Scene has an ambientLighting property:

"ambientLighting": {
    "id": "https://example.org/lights/1",
    "type": "Lighting",
    "color": 256,
    "intensity": 1.0

If a Scene does not have an ambientLighting property, then the client SHOULD assume an ambient light with white color and 0.75 intensity.

azaroth42 commented 11 months ago

Propose that headlights should be a separate issue from ambientLighting

mikeapp commented 11 months ago

We might also want to investigate scene-level directional light (https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/lights/DirectionalLight):

"This light will behave as though it is infinitely far away and the rays produced from it are all parallel. The common use case for this is to simulate daylight; the sun is far enough away that its position can be considered to be infinite, and all light rays coming from it are parallel."

tomcrane commented 9 months ago

This may be many distinct issues covering:

...and if the latter is in scope is it just a IIIF-isation of what threeJS can do?

We should take care in considering implementability for whether these are in scope.

JulieWinchester commented 8 months ago

At the Basel working meeting on October 26, 2023, after some back-and-forth and a few different iterations of possible structures, general consensus emerged for the following:

Light type Direction (specified in body) Position (specified in target)
Ambient NO NO
Directional YES NO
Point NO YES
Spotlight YES YES
tomcrane commented 5 months ago

In the table above, are the different lights all of type Light with different behavior, or are they different types: AmbientLight, DirectionalLight etc. ?

tomcrane commented 5 months ago

In Washington DC:

There are many types of light and this is an area of rapid change in 3D. E.g., functional lighting Image-based lighting, lots of other types of lights (examples needed).

Should IIIF include lighting in the core spec at all? Just let viewers provide their own lights. (This might be messy when combining models into a Scene, you might really need light to make Scenes usable)

Should IIIF provide some components like DirectionTransform but not specify lighting types?

Are lights all extensions in IIIF?

(NB Image-based lighting is quite easy to define in IIIF terms, just position the image in the scene)

If we don't define IIIF lights, there's a barrier to lighting your scene - could IIIF host light models for you? This might be impractical, inappropriate intensity values etc

Consensus - we should support simple lights in spec and make it easy to introduce new lighting concepts through extensions that can evolve more rapidly.

We should implement the four types in the table above in the spec.

But - lights are OPTIONAL and viewers should expect to deal with IIIF with no lights, models with no lights, and be able to provide lights themselves.

Should all lights be in extensions so developers can see them all in the same place?

(related - ability to disable lighting on painted models)