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`Scene` backgrounds #2259

Open tomcrane opened 11 months ago

tomcrane commented 11 months ago

What does it mean for a 3D Scene to have a background?


Can we use the same properties for Canvases as for Scenes?


    "backgroundCanvas": {
        "id": "https://example.org/canvas/background/black",
        "type": "Canvas",
        "backgroundColor": 256

    "backgroundColor": 256

But how do you render a bounded 2D Canvas as the background to an unbounded space?

And for backgroundColor is that identical to just providing an alternative to a uniform default black? Or is there something else happening?

azaroth42 commented 11 months ago

I think backgroundColor is to provide a default ... and we should allow it on Canvases as well as Scenes.

Perhaps backgroundCanvas is out of scope for MVP, though having a video of the sky render in the background for a bird or plane model could be nice :)

mikeapp commented 11 months ago

I assume that this would replace the default black with a uniform color, that seems to be the result in threejs. For reference: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/scenes/Scene.background Options are color, texture, or texture cube (skybox?).

azaroth42 commented 5 months ago

Explicitly propose that backgroundColor on Scene and Canvas is in scope, and to defer backgroundCanvas