IIIF / api

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Presi pre 4.0 draft milestone (non-3D) #2304

Open kirschbombe opened 3 weeks ago

kirschbombe commented 3 weeks ago

For non-3D updates to presi that will be added to presi 4.0. This will form the base to merge in the 3D and reorg updates.

Preview: https://preview.iiif.io/api/presi-pre-4.0-milestone/presentation/3.0/

1998 Fixes typos, style edits, replaces quotes with backticks for values/properties where needed

2043 : "-Latn" from language map in HTML section example

2010 : CC URI (https to http)

1988 clarification on 'label' term collision

2174 Remove mention of "search results" from the collection use cases to avoid this confusion about pagin

2205 Clarify use of language in rendering

2154 Remove paged disjoint from Canvas behaviors; clarify use of non-paged

2105 More explicit language on how clients should process items re: order

2140 Mention total property on Annotation Collection

1975 Clarify "unordered" on Collections

Issues: https://github.com/IIIF/api/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Presentation+pre+4.0+draft%22+-label%3Acontexts