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Annotation Collections #309

Open robcast opened 2 years ago

robcast commented 2 years ago

Recipe Name

Annotation Collections

PR: #521

index.md: https://preview.iiif.io/cookbook/309-annotation-collections/recipe/0309-annotation-collection/

Use case

You have a large number of annotations for multiple Canvases in a Manifest that should be displayed in a viewer optionally as a "layer".

robcast commented 2 years ago

The W3c Web Annotation spec describes AnnotationCollections in https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#annotation-collection

The IIIF Prezi spec describes AnnotationCollections in https://iiif.io/api/presentation/3.0/#58-annotation-collection

The Prezi spec only mentions an AnnotationCollection in the supplementary property of a Range https://iiif.io/api/presentation/3.0/#supplementary

An inquiry where to put an AnnotationCollection in a Manifest: https://github.com/IIIF/api/issues/2123

robcast commented 2 years ago

Use-case: I have a web-service that identifies illustrations in scans early-modern printed books and provides a classification and the coordinates of these illustrations on the page. The service takes a IIIF Manifest as an input and provides Web Annotations targeting the Canvases from the Manifest as an output.

I want to save these Annotations in an AnnotationCollection and provide these in a viewer as an optional "layer" on top of the normal presentation of the Manifest.

The user should see that this layer is available, she should see some information about the layer, and she should be able to show or hide the layer. The Annotations in the layer should be differentiated from other Annotations by their color or other means.

robcast commented 2 years ago


robcast commented 2 years ago

related issues:

kirschbombe commented 3 weeks ago


  • references to Canvas-IDs (if the AnnotationCollection is not part of the Manifest) need to have a partOf providing a Manifest for the viewer to resolve the Canvas (or the Canvas-URI resolves itself)

Hi, @robcast -- As it is currently defined by the spec, AnnotationCollections are not part of a Manifest, they are only referenced.

robcast commented 3 weeks ago

I saw the verdict in https://github.com/IIIF/api/issues/2203. I'll think about it and try to come up with an example for the recipe.