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Clickthrough Auth interaction pattern #85

Open tomcrane opened 5 years ago

tomcrane commented 5 years ago

Clickthrough Auth interaction pattern

Use case

The material requires acceptance of terms, but the user does need to establish their identity.

tomcrane commented 5 years ago

This recipe needs to also show how publishers provide access for machines. The spec forbids this:

Non-user-driven clients must not use access cookie services with the Clickthrough interaction pattern, and instead halt.

Use case: I don't need users to tell me who they are, but I do want them to acknowledge terms before viewing archival material.

So far so good, this is the clickthrough pattern.

Use case part 2: As a publisher I don't mind people using the clickthrough-protected images for research, data mining, natural language processing etc. Which mean they are going to write code to fetch the images. As a researcher/data scientist etc, I'm perfectly happy to adhere to the terms and conditions, but I'm going to get a machine to fetch the images directly via the API. I can easily circumvent clickthrough in a machine process (by acquiring the cookie) but I'm going against the spirit of the pattern, so I don't want to do that.

Answer - the publisher can offer an additional interaction pattern for machines to access the images. That's what external is for. I have an example of this two-fold approach in my auth playground - https://iiifauth.ch.digtest.co.uk/img/08_portmeirion.jpg/info.json.

The only problem with this approach is that it requires more work from the publisher than clickthrough does. It needs a full blown cookie service, just for the machine use case.