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Technical Review Committee issue review
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Recipe #346: Annotating in Multiple Languages #126

Open glenrobson opened 1 month ago

glenrobson commented 1 month ago


Background and Summary

This recipe looks at how to annotate an image with a body with two languages. IIIF uses the Web Annotation Data Model for annotations so the way of denoting langauge is different to the typcial language map used with IIIF properties.

Voting and changes

We welcome comments on the recipe and as well as voting +1, confused face or -1 feel free to add comments to this issue. If this issue is approved then the author will take account of the comments before we merge the branch in to the master cookbook branch.

If the recipe is rejected by the TRC then we will make the changes requested and resubmit it to a future TRC meeting. If you feel that your comments are substantial enough that the recipe should be looked at again by the TRC after the changes have been made please vote -1 (thumbs down). A confused face is treated as abstaining.

Changes to the recipe will only be made after the TRC voting process has concluded.

stephenwf commented 1 month ago

Would this be the same if you wanted a label with multiple languages on a tag? (https://preview.iiif.io/cookbook/0346-multilingual-annotation-body/recipe/0258-tagging-external-resource/)

triplingual commented 1 month ago

@stephenwf That's a good question, and a possibility for a recipe on its own. I also think the W3C model's guidance is substantially the same, as from the model's standpoint a tag is just a particular kind of annotation. There's often something I'm overlooking, though, so say more?

zimeon commented 1 month ago

+1 overall but I would be inclined to have the intro just talk about things in different languages rather than about translations (implying a process that likely doesn't apply at least one version). Perhaps:

You would like to make [a] text annotation~s~ in multiple language[s] ~translations~ on an image. Because the annotations are semantically equivalent, the expectation is that the user or client would choose which ~translation~[language] to display for the annotation.

stephenwf commented 1 month ago

@triplingual A tag is a combination of a link and a textual body - so a viewer might miss that the link and the Choice body (from this recipe) make a single tag.

  "type": "SpecificResource",
  "source": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q18624915"
  "type": "TextualBody",
  "value": "Gänseliesel-Brunnen",
  "format": "text/plain",
  "language": "de"

Which could be:

  "type": "SpecificResource",
  "source": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q18624915"
  "type": "Choice",
  "items": [
      "type": "TextualBody",
      "value": "Gänseliesel-Brunnen",
      "language": "de",
      "format": "text/plain"
      "type": "TextualBody",
      "value": "Gänseliesel fountain",
      "language": "en",
      "format": "text/plain"

With the addition of this new recipe.

triplingual commented 1 month ago

@stephenwf I see where you are coming from now. Thank you for writing the crux of the next recipe. 😉 But seriously, I think it would benefit client/viewer devs to spell out in a new recipe the ways this is different so they can think in a sophisticated way about how to code for the ways. Remains to decide then, whether the recipe in this TRC issue should get text carving out a tag from the pattern. I'll leave that up to the community, as it's an easyish textual addition, possibly in Restrictions. I will be unable to make the TRC call on the 19th and Glen will present in my stead.

triplingual commented 1 month ago

@zimeon Good point about noting that in the use case exemplified in the recipe there is a reference language, necessarily not a translation. It also makes the use case slightly more generalizable because it then covers a situation where there are multiple reference languages.

glenrobson commented 3 weeks ago

TRC Group support a seperate recipe for multilingual labels with tagging.

Would be useful to update: https://preview.iiif.io/cookbook/0346-multilingual-annotation-body/recipe/0118-multivalue/ to mention this new recipe.