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Technical Review Committee issue review
Apache License 2.0
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Recipe #489 : Teaching with a Multimedia Canvas #128

Open glenrobson opened 3 weeks ago

glenrobson commented 3 weeks ago


Background and Summary

This recipe provides a complex canvas with a video, images and text which are painted on a timeline. It provides a complex use case to test whether viewers can cope with some of the extended posibilities provided by the Presentation API.

Voting and changes

We welcome comments on the recipe and as well as voting +1, confused face or -1 feel free to add comments to this issue. If this issue is approved then the author will take account of the comments before we merge the branch in to the master cookbook branch.

If the recipe is rejected by the TRC then we will make the changes requested and resubmit it to a future TRC meeting. If you feel that your comments are substantial enough that the recipe should be looked at again by the TRC after the changes have been made please vote -1 (thumbs down). A confused face is treated as abstaining.

Changes to the recipe will only be made after the TRC voting process has concluded.

julsraemy commented 3 weeks ago

I've had a positive experience with the Theseus Viewer, and the JSON-LD serialization looks fine to me.

However, this recipe really shows the limitations of cross-client interoperability. In viewers or players outside of Theseus, the experience is notably poor. I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to include a warning in the Manifest to alert users to these potential issues when IIIF clients that do not - or only partially - support it.

robcast commented 2 weeks ago

👍 I made a small note about the duration property in hypothes.is

triplingual commented 2 weeks ago

We had some discussion on the call about the title and how it's somehow not quite right. The use case is an imaginary teaching scenario, but the recipe is definitely not just about teaching.

triplingual commented 2 weeks ago

Standard comment that I upvoted my own recipe

kirschbombe commented 2 weeks ago

Giving a thumbs up, but conditional on a few changes from editors:

It would also be nice to eventually have two additional recipes for 1) using duration on a Canvas to introduce resources on a timeline and 2) painting an annotation (textual body) onto a canvas. This recipe could be updated later to reference these, but doesn't need to wait for these (and are just suggestions).

azaroth42 commented 2 weeks ago

Also +1 with the caveats above from Dawn. It's a valuable recipe from the point of view of an "integration test" -- here is how you can put multiple things together on a single temporal canvas, some of which are not themselves temporal. That to me is the functionality that sets this recipe apart from others.

zimeon commented 2 weeks ago

In addition to other issues mentioned there is an "in in" in:

When resources’ appearance on a Manifest are governed in part by time, they can be entered in in the Manifest in any order.

I think this is confusingly written (and first Manifest should be Canvas). I suggest instead:

The order in which resources appear on the Canvas is governed by the time portion of the annotation target when specified, they can be entered in the Manifest in any order.

glenrobson commented 4 days ago

Issue 128 (Recipe #489 : Teaching with a Multimedia Canvas )

+1: 13 [JulieWinchester akrishnan15 glenrobson irv kirschbombe ksclarke mikeapp nfreire regisrob rentonsa robcast triplingual zimeon] 0: 2 [cubap julsraemy] -1: 0 [] Not TRC: 0 [] Ineligible: 1 [azaroth42]

Result: 13 / 15 = 0.87

Super majority is in favor, issue is approved