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Technical Review Committee issue review
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Recipe #19: HTML in Annotations #95

Open glenrobson opened 2 years ago

glenrobson commented 2 years ago


Background and Summary

This recipe looks at adding HTML within annotations. This can be useful to markup text and also to provide web links to other content. It draws on previous recipes around creating annotations and also looks at some of the restrictions imposed on the HTML elements you can use.

Voting and changes

We welcome comments on the recipe and as well as voting +1, confused face or -1 feel free to add comments to this issue. If this issue is approved then the author will take account of the comments before we merge the branch in to the master cookbook branch.

If the recipe is rejected by the TRC then we will make the changes requested and resubmit it to a future TRC meeting. If you feel that your comments are substantial enough that the recipe should be looked at again by the TRC after the changes have been made please vote -1 (thumbs down). A confused face is treated as abstaining.

Changes to the recipe will only be made after the TRC voting process has concluded.

thehabes commented 2 years ago

Suggesting a rewrite for Please note that the Annotation body is different from the label used elsewhere in the Manifest and you can not use the [Internationalization and Multi-language Values](https://preview.iiif.io/cookbook/0019-html-in-annotations/recipe/0006-text-language/) pattern for multilingual content. You can instead put a list of multiple TextualBody objects with different language properties in the body property of the Annotation but not all viewers may support this.

"Please note that the language value provided in the Annotation body is not a language map like used with label in the Manifest. You can not use the Internationalization and Multi-language Values pattern for multilingual content in an Annotation body. You can instead put a list of multiple TextualBody objects with different language properties in the body property of the Annotation but viewers may not support this."

thehabes commented 2 years ago

Capitalize the first 'annotation' in the Use Case

thehabes commented 2 years ago

Suggesting a rewrite for The W3C [Web Annotation specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#embedded-textual-body) does not specify which HTML elements are allowed in the body of an Annotation but all viewers will effectively limit the allowed subset.

"The W3C Web Annotation specification does not specify which HTML elements are allowed in the body of an Annotation. Viewers will effectively limit which HTML elements you can use to an allowed subset."

digitaldogsbody commented 2 years ago

Echoing Joe's comments in the TRC call, I think a second example with an image-based annotation would be a good inclusion to this recipe

zimeon commented 2 years ago

Minor formatting issue. Should:

To alert a consuming application that your content is HTML, the first character in your string should be “<” and the last character should be “>”.

instead use literal formatting?

To alert a consuming application that your content is HTML, the first character in your string should be < and the last character should be >.

glenrobson commented 1 year ago

Issue 95 (Recipe #19: HTML in Annotations)

+1: 22 [akrishnan15 cubap dlpierce eliotjordan glenrobson irv jpadfield jtweed julsraemy ksclarke markpatton mikeapp mixterj mposton-folger nfreire omaeazusa regisrob shuddles thehabes tpendragon triplingual zimeon] 0: 0 [] -1: 0 [] Not TRC: 0 [] Ineligible: 3 [digitaldogsbody mattmcgrattan tomcrane]

Result: 22 / 22 = 1.00

Super majority is in favor, issue is approved