IIInitiationnn / BloodEmporium

A program to automatically level the Bloodweb in the game Dead by Daylight.
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Mouse click to get the Item/perk from bloodweb not working #28

Closed mateusmcordeiro closed 1 year ago

mateusmcordeiro commented 1 year ago

I've tried all the issues resolutions i found, but none of them solved my problem.

When i run, it finds the perks/items positions on bloodweb but getting them is not working (mouse is moving automatic on a well way but doesnt trigger the mouse click)

What i've tring to do to fix it (but not working):

Fun fact: "Bloodpoints spent" counter is counting all the items/perks its "tries to get", like if it worked but didnt.

IIInitiationnn commented 1 year ago

Which version of the program are you using? And also do you happen to have LMB and RMB swapped (a Windows 11 setting - unlikely to apply to you, but I figured I'd ask just in case). In the meantime, I would see if it's possible to start running the app, then before it starts moving the mouse or making selections, see if you can click into your game to make sure your cursor is focused in DBD.

mateusmcordeiro commented 1 year ago

i tried the last stable release (0.3.2) and the three alpha one.

mateusmcordeiro commented 1 year ago

I swapped LMB/RMB (to test, but i use to use the default config) and tried to focus on DBD when click to run, but when im focusing on dbd screen it works differently than i previously said: mouse not moves automatically and blood point counter still counting (when i remove the focus from dbd screen, mouse start to move)

IIInitiationnn commented 1 year ago

Would you be able to post the corresponding logs (located in the logs folder)?

mateusmcordeiro commented 1 year ago

https://pastebin.com/xwwsWtTg https://pastebin.com/nSD81b5c

IIInitiationnn commented 1 year ago

This is really bizarre, it seems like it's detecting everything okay which means nothing is blocking your game, and nothing should be theoretically preventing your mouse from selecting stuff. I'm really not sure how to resolve this.

If you have multiple monitors, maybe you can try ensure your game is on your primary monitor and your Blood Emporium is on the other. You could also try being focused in the game, then using the hotkey (default Ctrl + Alt + 9, both to run and stop the program) and seeing if that works.

mateusmcordeiro commented 1 year ago

Im doing exacly this, i have two monitors and i use to put bloodemporium on the second one. A good information i forgot to say previously was about the hotkey, for me it only works if im focusing bloodemporium, on dbd screen is not detected.

IIInitiationnn commented 1 year ago

Seems like your game being focused is preventing some interactions with the OS from being executed: when your game is focused, it doesn't move the mouse, your mouse doesn't click, the hotkey doesn't register; when your game is not focused, it can move but it doesn't click in the game, and your hotkeys work.

I know you mentioned you modified some configuration files to change fullscreen behaviour etc. - is there anything else that you could have possibly changed from your installation that prevents this from working? Would it be possible to validate your installation?

mateusmcordeiro commented 1 year ago

I dont think so. My motivation to change this config file i said was trying to fix bloodemporium. Before that, i tried multiple times without changing anything on game files. So i read on FAQ and saw that it only works if game is on Fullscreen mode, so i supposed my game was on windowed fullscreen (not really fullscreen).

even knowing that, im going to reset my game config and try again without it. (i'll keep in touch)

Just for knowledge, to set windowed fullscreen to real fullscreen i followed this tutorial: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2287680083

IIInitiationnn commented 1 year ago

In regards to the fullscreen remark in the FAQ, it is only there to note (for v0.3.2 and older) that having the game in a window that does not span the entire screen will not allow the program to work. If you have any experience with Python, testing (or otherwise verifying) if your system specs are compatible with pyautogui (the library used for mouse interactions) may also help determine if there are any issues. If you'd like, I can write you a short script to see if the library works on your system in general.

mateusmcordeiro commented 1 year ago

I`m a software engineer too, but i don't have so much xp with python. My work is uses another languages. But i can easily execute any task you ask me to do. So yes, if theres no problem with it, you can send me the instructions so ill exec them so we can see this diagnosis

IIInitiationnn commented 1 year ago

Hey! I may have found a potential fix. Could you try running Blood Emporium as an administrator?

mateusmcordeiro commented 1 year ago

wow, it worked !! Thank you so much for all support. this is gonna help a lot of users if you put this on FAQ.

I would like to contribute to BloodEmporium. I dont know much about python, but if i see something i could help, ill certainly open a pull request.

You can close this issue, i didnt do this because i want to see your final answer haha.

IIInitiationnn commented 1 year ago

Really glad it worked! Did some digging and found some stuff about games bypassing OS and not allowing pyautogui to work with the game, so this I'm really glad it works. Since there's been more than one case of this already, throwing it in the FAQ is definitely a good idea.

In terms of contributions, please don't feel obligated to do anything! Just using the app and filing bug reports if you run into any is plenty enough. If you'd like to help though, you can reach out on Discord, I'd be more than happy to help you get started, we've got a development channel in our server, though there isn't much left on the roadmap at this point in time as we approach the full v1.0.0 release.

Happy spending!