IITC-CE / ingress-intel-total-conversion

intel.ingress.com total conversion user script with some new features. Should allow easier extension of the intel map.
ISC License
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FR: Add option to set the opacity of lines drawn using DrawTools #744

Open RickyGrassmuck opened 1 week ago

RickyGrassmuck commented 1 week ago

As someone that doesn't do well with low contrast colors, being able to reduce the opacity of drawn lines would make it easier to have the planned links stand out when they overlap Res/Enl fields as well as when using dark map tiles (0.5 opacity makes a whole range of colors essentially unusable).

I just started getting acquainted with the code base and may make a pass at adding this if someone more familiar with the project doesn't tackle it.

Example screenshot showing how low the contrast is for drawn lines vs. rendered links/fields.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 11 41 44

McBen commented 1 week ago

Is it an option to simply enhance the colorpicker by an alpha value control?

AFAIK the used jQueryUI Spectrum already supports alpha channel.

McBen commented 1 week ago

Is it an option to simply enhance the colorpicker by an alpha value control?

No. bad idea. That would set all old script to opacity off because of default values.

Better create an addtional 'colorblindness' (or similar) plugin.