Open EMREOYUN opened 1 month ago
sounds like your phone runs out of memory. disable all plugins (especially machina tools); don't use google map,
infomation which could be usefull: a) iitc version b) phone c) chrome version
IITC Version: v0.38.1 (latest release) Phone: Redmi Note 11 (Codename: spes) Chrome Version: v129.0.6668.100 (app version, no more updates on Google Play as I'm writing this)
Even though all apps are cleared, IITC-CE does these glitches. I couldn't test with the official IITC (redirects but cannot callback) or IITC Google Play version(does not load the page altogether).
Edit: Disabling all plugins and setting back to CartoDB doesn't fix the issue.
Update: The Google Play version works very well on the device.
Absolutely don't know why but changing the language everytime I start the app fixes the problem until the next start.
Manufacturer: samsung
Model: SM-S918B
Android version: 34
Android version release: 14
IITC Mobile version: 0.39.1-beta-2024.10.25-11:56 (beta)
IITC Version:
System User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; SM-S918B Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/131.0.6778.14 Mobile Safari/537.36
Default IITC User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; SM-S918B Build/UP1A.231005.007) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/131.0.6778.14 Mobile Safari/537.36
Fake user agent: disabled
Active user plugins: 19
The system shows me that RAM usage is well below limit. It seems like the issue is in how the app is drawing the webview while menus are open.
Absolutely don't know why but changing the language everytime I start the app fixes the problem until the next start.
With 0.39.1, this does not work anymore.
I updated to the latest IITC Beta version. The flickering is now gone.
I updated to the latest IITC Beta version. The flickering is now gone.
I do in the beta channel in Google Play(v0.39.1 seems the version on beta) but still flickering. I cannot find any toggles to switch to Beta IITC inside the app.
When you are using the app on Android 13, screen keeps flashing and sometimes, breaks all the drawings on the app.
Settings Used: Before login, do these
Return back and login After login, do these,
Restart the app
The app will start glitching out when you open menu, sometimes corrupting the entire app.