When the data is sent from the ./logappend and ./logread to the server, it is first encrypted and then directly sent to the server through TCP without any security. This is prone to MITM. I have run the following command,
./logappend -T 1 -K s1 -A -E 'Abcdefghijklmnoppp' log0123456
upon intecepting the packet, I have found the following hexdump
this hexdump decodes to some unreadable binary followed by this string
Upon close inspection, one can easily look for patterns in it, for example, only e's from alphabets, and after 4th 'e' 10694e10694e which can be 'pp' from append (./logappend -T 1 -K s1 -A -E 'Abcdefghijklmnoppp' log0123456).
And all the above encryption can be easily figured out without even looking at the code.
Absence of authenticity: Server doesn't validate if received data is from ./logappend. Adversary can easily logappend to the server without even using ./logappend executable.
This video can serve as a helpful guide for replicating the test scenario. These issues may lead to additional vulnerabilities and compound security risks, which I also haven't tested yet.
When the data is sent from the ./logappend and ./logread to the server, it is first encrypted and then directly sent to the server through TCP without any security. This is prone to MITM. I have run the following command,
upon intecepting the packet, I have found the following hexdump
this hexdump decodes to some unreadable binary followed by this string 16206e11079e18790e8305e10694e10694e12887e12130e1427e13927e15761e8633e13927e11954e13927e15761e7373e13927e13595e4603e13927e15761e10851e13927e15761e8212e13927e10851e17983e9408e1427e12887e6112e18790e13245e8324e4033e378e16206e13841e12130e11079e10694e10694e10694e10981e13927e16206e11079e18790e16387e4603e11954e764e8721e16990e6736e
Upon close inspection, one can easily look for patterns in it, for example, only e's from alphabets, and after 4th 'e' 10694e10694e which can be 'pp' from append (./logappend -T 1 -K s1 -A -E 'Abcdefghijklmnoppp' log0123456).
And all the above encryption can be easily figured out without even looking at the code.
This app has mainly the following security flaws: