IITIDIDX597 / F2021_Team2

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Story: Tracking Growth: Journal #18

Open z-schwartz opened 2 years ago

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

PROJECT GOAL Community Catalyst connects a resident in the community with partners that help transform the collective vision for the neighborhood into action ensuring a more equitable and sustained community recovery.


Grouping: Tracking Growth

  1. The volunteer can see milestones achieved by the actual organizations they have volunteered over time
  2. Volunteers can see their activity and experiences formatted automatically into a CV
  3. Volunteer can access private journaling tools to help them reflect and keep up with their progress


As a: Volunteer

I want: to have a personal journal

So that: I can reflect on my past volunteering initiatives

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago
Tosgirl commented 2 years ago

2nd iteration:

As a : Volunteer

I want: to keep a record of my past volunteering activities

So that : I can measure my level of growth

Tosgirl commented 2 years ago

3rd Iteration

As a : Volunteer

I want: write down all my involvements as a volunteer

So that : I can use it as a good resource for future job

akallish commented 2 years ago

As a : Volunteer

I want: to keep a record of my past volunteering activities

So that : I can measure my level of growth

This may be the final iteration. @z-schwartz maybe it can be refined to integrate reflection and future employment?

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

This can include:

Measure my growth | Update my CV | Curate Volunteer opportunities

Possibly overlaps with other issues.

Do we split into three separate?

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago

I think we can integrate update CV into both and have two as measure my growth and curate volunteer opportunities

F2021MartinRon commented 2 years ago

As a : Volunteer I want: to keep a record of my past volunteering activities in a CV on the platform So that : I can measure my level of growth

akallish commented 2 years ago

I want: to keep a record of my past volunteering activities in a CV on the platform So that : I can measure my level of growth

@F2021MartinRon How will a CV record measure a person's level of growth. What does measure mean?

Tosgirl commented 2 years ago

@UjjwalAS iteration 1, @z-schwartz iteration 2

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago


As a : Volunteer I want: to keep a record of my past volunteering activities in a CV on the platform So that : I can measure my level of growth


Given: I’m a user logged into the Community Catalyst application When: I tap onto "CV" button on my Home screen Then: I should be able to see the chronological record of all my past volunteering activities with specific details such as 1.dates, 2.who the partner was and whether I volunteered more than once for them, 3.no. of days volunteered, 4.nature of volunteering work, 5.impactS it created on community and people

@z-schwartz this is ready for second iteration

akallish commented 2 years ago

@UjjwalAS good iteration 0. @z-schwartz thanks for weighing in. What is missing to me are the details that lead to measuring growth. Are these five things the measures?

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago

@akallish yes these 5 measures are aspects of growth. However I did think around the details that lead to measure growth but with that the acceptance criteria was getting split into two parts.

  1. A more concrete aspect like what I have mentioned in iteration 1. Which gets into very specific details and aspects on which growth will be measured

  2. A slight abstraction where user can see growth in a graph form based on the past volunteering activities. Idea that I had was - having a stats button within CV section that shows whether the volunteer's progress is upward, downward or constant.

I decided to go ahead with option 1 because it was capturing the details related to measuring growth without abstraction.

But stats/ graphs could be another feature that captures all the details in the background and projects only a conclusive growth pattern to users.

akallish commented 2 years ago

But stats/ graphs could be another feature that captures all the details in the background and projects only a conclusive growth pattern to users.

@UjjwalAS I would integrate this as growth is based on insight or a deeper understanding.

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago


As a : Volunteer I want: to keep a record of my past volunteering activities in a CV on the platform So that : I can measure my level of growth


Given: I’m a user logged into the Community Catalyst application When: I tap onto the "CV" button on my Home screen Then: I see a holistic report of my activities that shows general trends and insights into my growth in addition to specific details for each session.

This may include:

1. Dates 2 Who the partner was 3. # of times I've volunteered for them 4. Frequency of volunteering for them 5. Description of contribution 6. Impact of contribution 7. The team I volunteered with 8. Photos

@UjjwalAS - I trimmed up the "then" section and integrated @akallish suggestion about insights + growth. I added a few "specific details" to the list and spaced a few you had out for clarity. Can you review and let me know what you think?

akallish commented 2 years ago

@z-schwartz @UjjwalAS great conversation. Believe the additional billeted detail that is separate from the main acceptance criteria helps

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago

@z-schwartz this seems fine to me👍

F2021MartinRon commented 2 years ago

I like the bulleted list of details, do we move this one to done?

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago

yes, I am OK. seems fine to me too

gauribhatt commented 2 years ago

Seems like we have done only 2 iterations on this one. Should we do one more?

akallish commented 2 years ago

@gauribhatt Yes

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago


As a : Volunteer I want: to keep a record of my past volunteering activities in a CV on the platform So that : I can measure my level of growth


Given: I’m a user logged into the Community Catalyst application When: I tap onto "CV" button or "STATISTICS" button depending on my preference Then: I either see a record of my past volunteering activities in a CV format or a holistic report that shows general trends and insights into my growth in addition to specific details for each session.

This may include:

  1. Dates 2 Who the partner was
  2. no of times I've volunteered for them
  3. Frequency of volunteering for them
  4. Description of contribution
  5. Impact of contribution
  6. The team I volunteered with
  7. Photos

@akallish @z-schwartz @gauribhatt @ronjmartin @Tosgirl How are your views on this

In my view this third iteration captures data at two level-

  1. Just a record of past volunteering activities in a CV format with the above mentioned details


  1. A more detailed and holistic report communicating insights (in graphical and statistical way) such as
    • graphs showing who I have volunteered for the most and least
    • causes I have never volunteered for
    • what kind of causes have I generally (repetitively) been taking in the past (in a statistical format)
    • which volunteering activities created the most impact vs which one created the least
akallish commented 2 years ago

@UjjwalAS This is great. You really are capturing the details of the data that creates the dashboards. Remember, don't load it up with features and functions. You are testing the story, not all of CC!

@z-schwartz thoughts

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

@UjjwalAS @akallish -- I made a slight edit in the acceptance criteria, specically in the when section. I swapped in "my dashboard button. Additionally I did some slight reformatting.

Given: I’m a user logged into the Community Catalyst application When: I tap onto "my dashaboard" button Then: I either see a record of my past volunteering activities in a CV format OR a holistic report that shows general trends and insights into my growth in addition to specific details for each session.

Each section may contain the following. These are not directives, but ideas for consideration.

CV FORMAT: record of past volunteering activities in a CV format which may include:

Holistic Visualization: more detailed and holistic report communicating insights (in graphical and statistical way)

akallish commented 2 years ago

@z-schwartz you are the product manager. You took your teams improvements and integrated them.

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

@akallish - Thanks, Adam. Far more succinct and clear way to say it.