IITIDIDX597 / F2021_Team2

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Story: Forecasting: Skills, Summer & Sustainability #21

Open z-schwartz opened 2 years ago

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

PROJECT GOAL Community Catalyst connects a resident in the community with partners that help transform the collective vision for the neighborhood into action ensuring a more equitable and sustained community recovery.


  1. Volunteers can see daily, weekly and monthly progress on the dashboard that helps them plan and schedule sign ups for new programs
  2. With the help of a futurecast insight tool based on their previous experiences and current program progress, volunteers can see new program suggestions to choose from: E.g. "If I do this, then x,y,z."


I want: to learn skills that can help me contribute to the environmental sustainability of my community, during summer.

So that: I can add value to my community

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago
F2021MartinRon commented 2 years ago

Iteration 1 As a: Volunteer I want: to easily schedule my volunteering efforts based on my free time
So that: I can maximize the amount of time I am contributing to sustainable community leadership

F2021MartinRon commented 2 years ago

Iteration 2 As a: Volunteer I want: to access a scheduling tool on the dashboard So that: I can efficiently spend my free time volunteering on the projects I prefer

akallish commented 2 years ago

Iteration 2 As a: Volunteer I want: to access a scheduling tool on the dashboard So that: I can efficiently spend my free time volunteering on the projects I prefer

@z-schwartz this may be the one

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

Iteration 2 As a: Volunteer I want: to access a scheduling tool on the dashboard So that: I can efficiently spend my free time volunteering on the projects I prefer

@z-schwartz this may be the one

Yes. This is the one

akallish commented 2 years ago

Yes. This is the one

@z-schwartz this story is good

Tosgirl commented 2 years ago

@Tosgirl iteration 1, @UjjwalAS iteration 2

Tosgirl commented 2 years ago


Iteration 2 As a: Volunteer I want: to access a scheduling tool on the dashboard So that: I can efficiently spend my free time volunteering on the projects I prefer

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ITERATION 1 Given: I login to my dashboard and go to my calendar tool When: I click on different days of the week to schedule my free time Then: I can plan and commit more time to working efficiently on my favorite projects

Tosgirl commented 2 years ago

@UjjwalAS you got this

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago


Given: That I access calendar dashboard on my Community Catalyst application and my CC calendar automatically integrates with my google calendar ( or other calendar tools that I use) to project free time slots in the week

When: I click on the free time slots projected by the application

Then: the screen shows me available volunteering opportunities with details ( such as who is partner and what is the cause, who else is volunteering, for how long will the opportunity require my commitment) during those time slots for selection, so that I can pick and choose or reject volunteering opportunities as per my preferences.

@Tosgirl @akallish

I have made a few changes to the acceptance criteria based on the following:

  1. I believe the application needs to consider other time management tools outside CC application system to efficiently manage volunteer's free time.

  2. It should reduce or completely eliminated cognitive load on user's end while he is trying to match his free time with volunteering opportunities of his choice- (automatic suggestions of free time overlapped with available volunteering opportunities during those times would do that- as user can accept or reject with just a click)

Let me know what do you think.

akallish commented 2 years ago

@UjjwalAS @Tosgirl @z-schwartz good conversation. This platform may pull data from other digital systems that a volunteer uses like calendar, LinkedIn, et. That helps cc find patterns and make recommendations

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago

@akallish yes. I think that will make recommendations more accurate and easy for the user

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago


Given: That I am on the calendar section on my dashboard and I see an integrated schedule that combines my free time with volunteering project time slots

When: I click on the free time slots projected by the application

Then: the screen shows me available volunteering opportunities with details:

  1. Who is partner
  2. What is the cause,
  3. Who else is volunteering,
  4. Duration of the commitment
  5. Eligibility criteria

so that I can pick and choose or reject volunteering opportunities as per my preferences.

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

Then: cc provides relevant details to my volunteer profile as well as specific event/logistical details.

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

This looks good.

Given: That I am on the calendar section on my dashboard and I see an integrated schedule that combines my free time with volunteering project time slots

When: I click on the free time slots projected by the application

Then: cc provides relevant details to my volunteer profile as well as specific event/logistical details.

so that I can pick and choose or reject volunteering opportunities as per my preferences.

akallish commented 2 years ago

Good details