IITIDIDX597 / F2021_Team2

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Week 7 : Schedule mandatory 60 minute dry run of team presentation the week of September 29 #46

Closed akallish closed 2 years ago

akallish commented 2 years ago

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Send @akallish a few times and dates to choose from.

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

@gauribhatt @UjjwalAS @Tosgirl

Referencing the sandbox, it appears the three dates below from 5-6 (however, classes wrap up at 5 and start at 6 whomever has a class so might be tight) are optimal. I cannot commit to that Friday. Team?

Monday the 27th Tuesday the 28th Wednesday the 29th

gauribhatt commented 2 years ago

All these 3 dates work for me.

ronjmartin commented 2 years ago

Any of those three dates work for me as well

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago

@ronjmartin @gauribhatt @z-schwartz @Tosgirl for me Monday - 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM and after 5:00 PM works Tuesday - 9:00AM - 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM works Wednesday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM-6:00 PM works

Also wanted to confirm if we are meeting any day over the weekend, like last week

z-schwartz commented 2 years ago

@ronjmartin @gauribhatt @z-schwartz @Tosgirl @akallish Let's proceed with 6pm on Wednesday the 29th for our dry run.

UjjwalAS commented 2 years ago

@F2021MartinRon @gauribhatt @Tosgirl @z-schwartz This works for me

akallish commented 2 years ago

This will be good

Tosgirl commented 2 years ago

Monday and Wednesday works for me.

akallish commented 2 years ago

We cannot do Wednesday the 29th as we have class that evening. So it may need to be Tuesday the 28th

akallish commented 2 years ago

We will do Monday, September 27 at 06:00pm