IITIDIDX597 / F2023_Team1

This repository is for decomposition of team 1 project into individual stories, tasks into a prioritized backlog.
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Week 7 Out of Class Work : Final Presentation Format #31

Open akallish opened 1 year ago

akallish commented 1 year ago

Teams should begin to think about how they will approach telling their story based on the clear format and criteria.

Here is the link to the overview deck

For the guest critics, the links will take you to their LinkedIn profile

Each team should coordinate with @akallish the week between the last class and December 04 (Monday) to do a one hour dry run (not over a weekend). Please DM Adam dates and times to choose from and what room to meet in.

@emerydonovan, @yiwenteng, @lidajiang19, @jieanjie

akallish commented 1 year ago

@emerydonovan, @yiwenteng, @lidajiang19, @jieanjie



akallish commented 1 year ago

Hello @emerydonovan, @yiwenteng, @lidajiang19, @jieanjie

Tuesday Nov 30, at noon will work for me. Sent an invite.

What room to meet in?

Who will be the person that co-presntswith Jiafeng and Rutuja?

Best, Adam

akallish commented 1 year ago

@emerydonovan, @yiwenteng, @lidajiang19, @jieanjie

Hello. Thanks for the good dry run today. Overall, you hit all the main points and still had almost 9 minutes to spare. Emery took good notes from the critique today. Key is to make the jump from Mural to ZenHub and use the labels filter to get to the two stories that are most complete in terms of story/acceptance criteria/sizing and give the critics the sense of maturity through iteration of those example stories.

Keep in mind in terms of tags (which already exist in your repository) :

All 20 stories

5 Stories

Best, Adam