IITIDIDX597 / F2023_Team3

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View competition for gigs #19

Open kepa5 opened 8 months ago

kepa5 commented 8 months ago

Goal Statement:

For: Design Students in Chicago Who: are looking for opportunities to grow, network, and upskill to start their careers and make an impact Your: Gigs for Good Is a: transparent, curated and accessible digital platform That: students can engage to seek relevant work or volunteer-ships, grow their professional network, meet people and acquire new skills.

Hill Statement:

Who: Design students in Chicago What: can volunteer for nonprofits in the form of part-time or full-time gigs, can participate in workshop classes and events organized in the museum Wow: grow professional network easily, get to meet people with similar interests without any barriers of digital networking and acquire new skills without any costs

Sub-hill statement:

Students must get information about past bids when they decide to bid for a work they are interested in.

Story statement:

As a student I want to see who I am competing with for a gig So that I can compare how and where I stand in the competition

kepa5 commented 7 months ago

Acceptance Criteria 01 Given: I'm a registered student user on the platform browsing a specific gig page for the first time When: I tap on the Recent Bids for the gig Then: the platform should display a ranked list of bids submitted by other student users with their: a. Points submitted b. Number of skills match.

kepa5 commented 7 months ago

Acceptance Criteria 02 Given: I'm a student who has bid once for a particular gig and wants to see if there are any other bidders When: I tap on the Recent Bids for the gig Then: the platform should display a ranked list of all bidders ranked by and including the following info a. Points b. Number of skills matched  c. Where I'm located in this list

akallish commented 7 months ago

@kepa5 Hey! First do not number your iterations as you inadvertenly are linking to unrelated issues. Use .01 - not #

As for your acceptance criteria drafts, the second one is sharper because you added "if there are any other bidders" in the Given statement and added one more data point for the Then statement.

Good work!

kepa5 commented 7 months ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @dvelezm3 @jzhu68