IITIDIDX597 / F2023_Team3

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Sharing info to reduce negative behaviours #36

Open jzhu68 opened 7 months ago

jzhu68 commented 7 months ago

Goal Statement:

For: Design Students in Chicago Who: are looking for opportunities to grow, network, and upskill to start their careers and make an impact Your: Gigs for Good Is a: transparent, curated and accessible digital platform That: students can engage to seek relevant work or volunteer-ships, grow their professional network, meet people and acquire new skills.

Hill Statement:

Who: Design students in Chicago What: can volunteer for nonprofits in the form of part-time or full-time gigs, can participate in workshop classes and events organized in the museum Wow: grow a professional network easily, get to meet people with similar interests without any barriers of digital networking and acquire new skills without any costs

Sub-hill statement:

Students and non-profits are not able to view each other's contact information until they complete the volunteering.

Story statement:

As: the DMoC I want: to provide registered students the ability to share their name and school but not any other information about themselves So that: I can reduce the negative behaviors of social professional networks and build a good community environment

akallish commented 7 months ago

@kepa5, @dvelezm3, @jzhu68 Good iteration 0. Consider this iteration and refine :

As a: the DMoC Comment : This is good I want: to give fair chances to all students for a healthy competition by limiting the access to contact information Comment : Consider "to provide registered students the ability to share their name and school but not any other information about themselves" So that : I can reduce the burden of digital networking and maintain a good community environment Comment : Consider "in order to reduce the negative behaviors of social professional networks and build a good community environment"

This is odd to me as students may just go on LinkedIn to see student profiles. Your team should decide specific core information about a student that would be important to share with students and with non-profits.

kepa5 commented 7 months ago

Acceptance Criteria 01 Given:  I'm a student newly registered on the platform When: I'm filling out my personal profile info Then: I can choose to set my contact info not visible to other users including students and non-profits

kepa5 commented 7 months ago

Acceptance Criteria 02 Given: I'm an existing student user on the platform When: I edit the privacy settings on my profile Then: I can choose to turn on/off contact info visibility for other students users and non-profits

kepa5 commented 7 months ago

Acceptance Criteria 03 Given: I'm the primary user (DMoC) with an admin access to the platform and there are other users like students and nonprofits who have limited access based on their needs When: I am building the platform Then: I have to create a feature to let students users turn on/off contact info visibility

akallish commented 7 months ago

@kepa5 is Acceptance Criteria 03 for a different actor, like a DmOC admin?

kepa5 commented 7 months ago

@akallish Yes

akallish commented 7 months ago

@kepa5 then I would be clear that for the same story you have two related but different acceptance criteria.

kepa5 commented 7 months ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @dvelezm3 @jzhu68