IITIDIDX597 / sp_2019_team2

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Provide patients an entertainment way in hospital. #29

Open skalra3 opened 5 years ago

IDziqinwang commented 5 years ago

As a patient, I want the videos to be fun so that I can listen to it and not get bored or exhausted.

Tombodil commented 5 years ago

As a patient, I want the videos to be fun (which videos and why are they important) so that I can listen to it and not get bored or exhausted.

This will need sub hill and hill information so that I can see the connection to the larger project.

akallish commented 5 years ago

@skalra3 @IDziqinwang @jshah79 Thanks for using descriptive tags for your stories as it helps a lot! However you need to put the sub-hill statement in this story so you can trace the story structure to the intent of the sub-hill. Otherwise it is hard to improve upon.

Also you did not add any information to the issue like assignees, and milestone for week 3. If you do not do this, then you will not receive notifications when something was changed in your story.

Here is an iteration of this story to consider:

As a patient, I want the videos to be engaging and informative So that I will not get bored or exhausted.

skalra3 commented 5 years ago

As a patient, I want the videos to be engaging and informative So that I will have more knowledge when I finish the module

Sub hill 3: The patient finishes a module by exploring each part and viewing the animated video and the short quiz post that would gauze what have they learned.

skalra3 commented 5 years ago

Acceptance Criteria 2.1 Given: I am a pediatric patient in the hospital When: I click on the video triggered by the AR activated linked to a Rube-E body part Then: I get to watch the video and a follow-on quiz

skalra3 commented 5 years ago

Acceptance Criteria 2.1 Given: I am a pediatric patient in the hospital When: I click on the video made in the form of animation Then: I get to watch the video and a follow-on quiz