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Creating an application for independent use. #35

Open skalra3 opened 5 years ago

IDziqinwang commented 5 years ago

As a patient, I want the app to be easy to use so that I don't need any supervision.

jshah79 commented 5 years ago

Story: Creating an application for independent use.

As a pediatric patient, I want an application that is easy to use so that I don't need any supervision.

Sub Hill 6

akallish commented 5 years ago

Easy to use is not specific enough. What is the patient trying to do related to sub-hill 6? Be specific.

skalra3 commented 5 years ago

As a pediatric patient, I want an application that is easy to use independently so that I don't need any supervision.

skalra3 commented 5 years ago

Easy to use is not specific enough. What is the patient trying to do related to sub-hill 6? Be specific.

As a pediatric patient, I want an application that is easy to use independently so that I don't need any supervision.

akallish commented 5 years ago

@skalra3 @IDziqinwang @jshah79 Thanks for using descriptive tags for your stories as it helps a lot! However you need to put the sub-hill statement in this story so you can trace the story structure to the intent of the sub-hill. Otherwise it is hard to improve upon.

This story is too general and does not really say anything to me in relation to Rube-E. Without seeing the sub-hill, here is an iteration:

As a pediatric patient I want to be able to use Rube-E right away and be engaged So that I don't need any help from others on how to use it.

skalra3 commented 5 years ago

As a pediatric patient I want to be able to use Rube-E right away and be engaged So that I don't need any help from others on how to use it.

Sub hill: 6. The toy would be used by in-patient on their bedside and they can engage with it alone without requiring anyone help.