IITIDIDX597 / sp_2021_team2

This repository is for decomposition of team 2 project into individual stories, tasks into a prioritized backlog.
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Acceptance Criteria #43

Open k8forz opened 3 years ago

walkoutthebox commented 3 years ago

Acceptance Criteria Task Our task was to develop acceptance criteria to determine what outcomes needed to be demonstrated to validate each story in the epic, identifying actions, behaviors, or metrics that would need to be realized in order to demonstrate that the goal of the story has been achieved.

Work Performance Location Initial work as well as most group iteration Performed in Github

Initial Drafts of Acceptance Criteria Step 1: We drafted acceptance criteria for the stories in one of our epics. For each, using the "Given/When/Then framework, we considered what user outcomes would need to be demonstrated in order to validate that the story has been realized by the user.

Step 2: For each, we considered and documented potential edge cases, identifying any situations we could foresee occurring that our drafted acceptance criteria may not account for.

Iteration Step 3: We collectively reviewed the acceptance criteria for each story and suggested edits, in order to come as close as we could to describing what what user experiences and outcomes would be necessary to validate that the story has been completed by the user.

Step 4: In our review of the initially drafted edge cases, we considered the frequency of the edge case, and the ease with which the acceptance criteria might be altered in order to account for the drafted edge case. In cases where the edge case was infrequent and the acceptance criteria would need to be altered considerably, we finalized our decision to include an edge case along with the acceptance criteria. Where the edge case that we identified was either frequent, or relatively easy to include as part of the acceptance criteria, we incorporated it into the acceptance criteria.

Github Acceptance Criteria Link
