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The talk/workshop speaker agrees to,
[X ] Share the slides, code snippets and other material used during the talk
[X ] If the talk is recorded, you grant the permission to release the video on ILUGD's YouTube channel(LINK) under CC-BY-4.0 license
[X ] Not do any hiring pitches during the talk and follow the Code of Conduct(LINK TO COC)
Please do add/upload slides in pdf or an open document format.
People who are using LibreOffice, openOffice etc. should not have any problems viewing it.
Abstract Planning to do an experimental Mentor session / AMA where folks can ask about
Expected Duration 1 hour
Track covers whole spectrum
Pre-requisite Be curious enough to question one's existence
Preferred Time and mode Online
Previous Experience
Place an '[x]' (no spaces) in all the fields you agree to. You can keep the fields blank on which you don't agree
The talk/workshop speaker agrees to,
Please do add/upload slides in pdf or an open document format. People who are using LibreOffice, openOffice etc. should not have any problems viewing it.