ILadis / ts3-qs4sd

TeamSpeak 3 quick access for Steam Deck.
GNU General Public License v2.0
40 stars 3 forks source link

Not compatible with Decky loader #1

Closed MisterrrX closed 1 year ago

MisterrrX commented 1 year ago

When the Decky plugin loader is installed, this plugin will not show up in the sidebar.

Thanks for the amazing work though!

ILadis commented 1 year ago

I tried to setup a local development environment on my desktop PC with Decky Loader today. Unfortunately I'm forced to use the Steam Beta client at the moment or otherwise steam -gamepadui won't work. It seems like Decky Loader is not working with the latest Steam Beta update yet, see this issue.

I'm coming back to this, once Decky Loader is working again.

ILadis commented 1 year ago

Since Decky Loader is now working with the latest Steam Beta client, I tried running both Decky Loader and my TeamSpeak 3 Plugin on my development PC. At a first glance everything seems to be working as expected.

See this screenshot

Both the Decky Loader and TeamSpeak icons appear on the Quick Settings page.

Can you give me any more hints on how I could reproduce the issue?

Neomerlinux commented 1 year ago

I just followed your installation instructions to the teeth and the icon also wont show up, but since I also use DeckyLoader and saw your screenshot above, I asume you have not tried it on the deck yourself. You are missing the keyboard button underneath the decky icon. I am guessing that there's a limit to visible buttons on the deck and Decky is allready using up the space where your TeamSpeak plugin would show up. I'm not a programmer, but that's the first that came to mind.

EDIT: By the way: great plugin! great work! I was wondering when someone was thinking about TeamSpeak.

ILadis commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Neomerlinux for participating and sharing your details.

I tried it now on the Deck itself and it's still working for me.

See this screenshot

These were my steps:

  1. Install the TeamSpeak plugin and Decky Loader from desktop mode
  2. Return to desktop mode
  3. Launch TeamSpeak
  4. Open the Quick Settings page

You can try the latest development build of my plugin, but I don't think I changed anything important though. Download and extract and replace the old version on your Deck at:

MisterrrX commented 1 year ago

Tried reinstalling following your installation instructions step by step, but it still doesn't showing up (also tried the development build you suggested).

ILadis commented 1 year ago

Since I am not able to reproduce the issue, a logfile from your Deck might point us in the right direction.

It's a little tricky to get to said logfile and also requires a PC with a Chromium based browser.
But this would be the steps:

  1. Reboot or power on your Deck (don't launch Teamspeak yet)
  2. On your PC launch Chromium and enter chrome://inspect in the URL bar
  3. Click on the "Configure..."-button an enter the IP address of your Deck followed by :8081
See this screenshot; my Deck's IP address is
  1. Once you've done that, you should see a "Remote Target"
See this screenshot
  1. Click on the "Inspect"-link for the QuickAccess_uid2 tab which should open another window
  2. Launch TeamSpeak on your Deck, wait a few seconds, then close the application
  3. On Chromium make sure to select the "Console"-tab, then right click and select "Save as..."
See this screenshot
  1. Save the logfile to your PC and upload it here

If there aren't any visible errors, I could provide another development build with more log messages.

fbnkrs commented 1 year ago

Having the same issue.

Why is your screenshot missing the help button in the quick access menu?

Maybe it is just because there is no space left.

ILadis commented 1 year ago

Are you referring to the screenshot in this reply?

But regardless, the help icon is never showing, once my plugin is active and that is expected behavior. Because my plugin replaces this spot in the quick access menu with the TeamSpeak icon.

I might spent some time during this weekend working on the issue. Maybe I am able to reproduce it this time.

ILadis commented 1 year ago

Still not able to repdroduce.
I used Decky Loader v2.6.2 and the Steam Deck stable update channel (OS Version 3.4.4, OS Build 20221228.1).

Screenshot ![20230303210650_1](
fbnkrs commented 1 year ago

But regardless, the help icon is never showing, once my plugin is active and that is expected behavior. Because my plugin replaces this spot in the quick access menu with the TeamSpeak icon.

Ah okay, good to know.

Unfortunately I am not able to get it working again.

Teamspeak icon does not show up.

Maybe there is some weird incompatibility with a specific decky loader plugin?

I use:

LouisH99 commented 1 year ago

Having the same problem will try to get the log when i got some time

LouisH99 commented 1 year ago

hear is the log you wanted

ILadis commented 1 year ago

Thanks for providing the log file.

This looks like the bug I fixed just recently in commit 0029fbf. There is no release yet, but you can try this development build. Should report as version 0.5-dev in TeamSpeak. Just unzip the file and install it as described in the


Let me know if this fixes your issue. I'm then going to publish a new release version.

Hellangel1987 commented 1 year ago

facing same issue with your new Version - plugin not showing up and also using decky loader

ProtonDB Badges CSS Loader vibrantDeck KLang Audio Loader SteamGridDB Animation Changer

tarikalmashni commented 1 year ago

Just came here to report the very same issue. Already had Decky installed, then installed TS3 and your plugin step by step following your guide but the icon won't show up.

Apart from this bug, out of curiosity: Would be too much work for you to just release a DeckyLoader plugin?

ILadis commented 1 year ago

I am definetly going to convert this into a DeckyLoader plugin. But this will take some time, because there is a lot of stuff I need to wrap my head around first.

This should also make the plugin accessible to more users since DeckyLoader is the defacto standard for doing Homebrew on the Steam Deck.

Hellangel1987 commented 1 year ago

thank you this makes sense - since this stuff is great on steamdeck playing with your friends via Teamspeak

ILadis commented 1 year ago

I got the first DeckyLoder plugin version ready for testing.

In order to test this version:

  1. Copy the file to: /home/deck/.var/app/com.teamspeak.TeamSpeak/.ts3client/plugins.
  2. Then install the DeckyLoader plugin by moving the ts3-qs4sd/ folder to the plugins/ directory of your Decky installation.
  3. Restart your Steam Deck, the plugin should then appear in your plugins list.

All files and folders mentioned can be found in this

Edit: Also note that the DeckyLoader plugin will now start TeamSpeak for you in the background. This means you do not need to start TeamSpeak manually anymore.

I am going to update the README with the new installation instructions and also publish a official release version next.

Screenshots: 20230709184540_1 20230709184553_1

ThaMighty90 commented 1 year ago

Nice Job! The Decky plugin is working so much better than your previous version also Controller support for all the controls, yeah!!.

One funny thing and I dont know if this is intended bevahiour or not but you can actually connect to a server through the QAM without launching Teamspeak beforehand but after that you cant launch teamspeak so it is constantly lurking in the background eating ressources.

What I also noticed is that the new plugin no longer grinds my deck to a hold once I close teamspeak.

ILadis commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback. Glad it's working for you.

I should have mentioned that you don't need to manually launch TeamSpeak anymore. The decky plugin will do that for you now.

As of now there would be no way to close TeamSpeak after you are done using it. Any suggestions on how this should be handled? Would it bother you if TeamSpeak would continue running in the background or would you rather have a method of closing it?

Hellangel1987 commented 1 year ago

what about some little button to start and kill Teamspeak "service?

Thanks for your feedback. Glad it's working for you.

I should have mentioned that you don't need to manually launch TeamSpeak anymore. The decky plugin will do that for you now.

As of now there would be no way to close TeamSpeak after you are done using it. Any suggestions on how this should be handled? Would it bother you if TeamSpeak would continue running in the background or would you rather have a method of closing it?

ThaMighty90 commented 1 year ago

My thoughts exactly.

what about some little button to start and kill Teamspeak "service?

Thanks for your feedback. Glad it's working for you. I should have mentioned that you don't need to manually launch TeamSpeak anymore. The decky plugin will do that for you now. As of now there would be no way to close TeamSpeak after you are done using it. Any suggestions on how this should be handled? Would it bother you if TeamSpeak would continue running in the background or would you rather have a method of closing it?

ILadis commented 1 year ago

I just released version 0.6 of the plugin and updated the installation instructions. Since I received positive feedback on the development build (version 0.6-dev) I consider this issue resolved. Feel free to open a new issues if you encounter any problems with the latest version.

Banyyk commented 1 year ago

i have a weird issue. i followed the instructions (i guess) step by step and teamspeak is working fine on desktop mode. when i change to gamemode and open the quickbar decky and the teamspeak plugin is showing up. BUT i only get the teamspeak plugin without any controlls. i used your screenshot do demonstrate what iam talking about. everything in the red square is missing.


so i just got the arrow to go back and nothing else.

edit: well, one more thing: at the top it does not say "Teamspeak 3" it just sas "TS3 Quick Access"

ILadis commented 1 year ago

Since you also commented in the other issue #5, let's continue the discussion there.