ILikeAI / AlwaysReddy

AlwaysReddy is a LLM voice assistant that is always just a hotkey away.
MIT License
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Openrouter support? #20

Closed zheroz00 closed 2 months ago

zheroz00 commented 2 months ago

Hey. I'm really loving this. I commented on your reddit post as well. Does openrouter work with this? If not do you have support planned?

kaminoer commented 2 months ago

Openrouter has an OpenAI compatible API so it should be fairly easy to make it work.

Go to line 7 in and replace self.client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')) with self.client = OpenAI(base_url="", api_key=os.getenv("OPENROUTER_API_KEY"))

This assumes that you have your openrouter API key set as this environment variable: OPENROUTER_API_KEY. Adjust this according to how you want to pass the API key. Now set up your model name in config and you should be good to go.

zheroz00 commented 2 months ago

self.client = OpenAI(base_url="", api_key=os.getenv("OPENROUTER_API_KEY"))

This worked perfectly. Thank you. I don't suppose you know if you can enable internet access somehow, can you?

kaminoer commented 2 months ago

If by internet access you mean giving internet access to the LLM so that it could search the web for additional context, that would require integrating some additional components into the pipeline, such as a search engine API and a web scraper. Then it would be possible to add top search results page content to the prompt and ask the LLM to present them. Definitely possible but would require some work.

zheroz00 commented 2 months ago

Gotcha. Thanks for the info.

ILikeAI commented 2 months ago

I'm thinking I could add the perplexity api, they have models that can search the web and it's super fast!