ILikeAI / AlwaysReddy

AlwaysReddy is a LLM voice assistant that is always just a hotkey away.
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Adding a memory feature? #58

Open zheroz00 opened 1 month ago

zheroz00 commented 1 month ago

Would it be possible to implement any sort of RAG with this? Or maybe something like being able to save our sessions and then have the ability to reload them? I find myself using this more and more ever since I started using an RF remote to activate recording, but I find that if I close the window by accident or something I end up losing my previous session.


ILikeAI commented 4 weeks ago

I'd be very keen to see RAG implemented but due to my limited time right now I probably won't get to it for a while. But I have been looking at integrating a db to store conversations long term for another project of mine, if I can get that code cleaned up and working well enough I may be able to implement it into the repo. Although one thing I'm not sure about is: Would you want to have just one conversation threat that persists but you can reset if you like, or would you like to be able to have multiple conversations that build up over time, and if so how would you like to be able to select which chat thread you want to use?

I'd lean towards being able to store as many conversations you want but I'm not sure how I could implement a conversation selection UI

zheroz00 commented 4 weeks ago

What you're describing as being able to have multiple conversations stored and selectable via UI for loading would definitely be nice. Even loading from command line would be fine.