Sources of Java version of SURFER (which uses JavaFX 1.3.1)
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Language menu improvements #32

Open Madjosz opened 4 years ago

Madjosz commented 4 years ago

When hovering the language selector button, the language chooser menu appears. But it will continue to be visible until I click a language or after two seconds. This is very annoying since one often accidentally hovers the button when moving the mouse in and out the formula input field. I suggest making this a button to click or to immediately hide this menu if the mouse is out of the button/menu. Also all languages which were selected, stay in a "selected" style.

OS: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.18362 Surfer: 1.7.0 for Windows 32-bit

porst17 commented 4 years ago

Development of SURFER has been discontinued. This version is build on top of a Java library that is no longer supported (JavaFX 1.3.1) such that making any changes to the UI essentially requires a complete rewrite of it. Sorry for the inconvenience.