IMAGINARY / kiosk-browser

Hardened Web Browser with Kiosk-mode
Apache License 2.0
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There seems to be a regression in `--cover-displays` between 2 last releases #46

Closed malex984 closed 4 years ago

malex984 commented 4 years ago

./kiosk-browser-0.12.0.AppImage --cover-displays=0 - works fine but ./kiosk-browser-0.12.1.AppImage --cover-displays=0 leads to the following error:

    Usage: kiosk-browser [options] [url]

  --help, -h                Print this usage message                                                                                                  [boolean]
  --version, -V             Print the version. Combine with -v to get more details                                                                    [boolean]
  --verbose, -v             Increase verbosity                                                                                             [count] [default: 0]
  --dev, -d                 Run in development mod.                                                                                  [boolean] [default: false]
  --port, -p                Specify remote debugging port                                                                                              [number]
  --menu, -m                Enable or disable main menu                                                                              [boolean] [default: false]
  --kiosk, -k               Enable or disable kiosk mode                                                                             [boolean] [default: false]
  --always-on-top, -T       Enable or disable always-on-top mode                                                                     [boolean] [default: false]
  --fullscreen, -f          Enable or disable fullscreen mode                                                                        [boolean] [default: false]
  --integration, -i         Enable or disable node integration                                                                       [boolean] [default: false]
  --localhost               Restrict network access to localhost                                                                     [boolean] [default: false]
  --zoom, -z                Set zoom factor                                                                                               [number] [default: 1]
  --serve, -s               Open URL relative to this path served via built-in HTTP server.                                                            [string]
  --transparent, -t         Make browser window background transparent.                                                              [boolean] [default: false]
  --retry                   Retry after given number of seconds if loading the page failed (0 to disable)                                [number] [default: 15]
  --reload-unresponsive     Reloads websites that are unresponsive for the given number of seconds.                                                    [number]
  --preload                 Preload a JavaScript file into each website                                                                                [string]
  --append-chrome-switch    Append switch to internal Chrome browser switches                                                            [string] [default: []]
  --append-chrome-argument  Append positional argument to internal Chrome browser argument                                               [string] [default: []]
  --use-minimal-chrome-cli  Don't append anything to the internal Chrome command line by default                                     [boolean] [default: false]
  --fit                     Automatically adjust the zoom level to fit a given viewport of the page to the window size while preserving the viewports aspect
                            ratio. Valid formats are wxh, wx_, _xh and _x_ (don't fit). The value supplied to --zoom acts as an additional multiplier.
                                                                                                                                      [string] [default: "_x_"]
  --cover-displays          Let the browser window cover the displays provided by comma separated display numbers. Spanning multiple displays is not supported
                            on all platforms.
error: s.split is not a function
error: undefined
porst17 commented 4 years ago

Looks like a regression in yargs or maybe just a breaking change I missed when updating yargs from ^14.1.0 to ^14.2.0 (even though there should be no breaking changes in the 14.x range according to semver ...).

I'd prefer to wait with the next release since I am busy with something else for the next couple of days. I hope that's OK. You can always compile a package for distribution yourself via yarn run dist.

malex984 commented 4 years ago

Thanks. 0,0 works as a workaround for now.