IMAP-Science-Operations-Center / imap-data-access

Package to download, query, and upload files from the IMAP Science Data Center.
MIT License
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More comprehensive help/descriptions #13

Closed bourque closed 4 months ago

bourque commented 4 months ago

Change Summary


This PR updates some of the help strings, and adds some of them as descriptions so that using the -h flag will (hopefully) provide all of the info a user might need. Here is what the output looks like:

mabo8927: imap-data-access -h
usage: imap-data-access [-h] [--version] [--data-dir DATA_DIR] [--url URL] [--debug] [-v] {download,query,upload} ...

This command line program accesses the IMAP SDC APIs to query, download, and upload data files.

positional arguments:
    download            Download a file from the IMAP SDC to the locally configured data directory.
    query               Query the IMAP SDC for files matching the query parameters. The query parameters are
                        optional, but at least one must be provided.
    upload              Upload a file to the IMAP SDC. This must be the full path to the file. E.g.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --data-dir DATA_DIR   Directory to use for reading and writing IMAP data. The default is a 'data/' folder in the
                        current working directory. This can also be set using the IMAP_DATA_DIR environment variable.
  --url URL             URL of the IMAP SDC API. The default is This can also be
                        set using the IMAP_DATA_ACCESS_URL environment variable.
  --debug               Print lots of debugging statements
  -v, --verbose         Add verbose output
mabo8927: imap-data-access upload -h
usage: imap-data-access upload [-h] file_path

Upload a file to the IMAP SDC. This must be the full path to the file. E.g.

positional arguments:
  file_path   This must be the full path to the file. E.g.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
mabo8927: imap-data-access download -h
usage: imap-data-access download [-h] file_path

Download a file from the IMAP SDC to the locally configured data directory.

positional arguments:
  file_path   This must be the full path to the file. E.g.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
mabo8927: imap-data-access query -h
usage: imap-data-access query [-h] [--instrument {codice,glows,hi,hit,idex,lo,mag,swapi,swe,ultra}]
                              [--data-level DATA_LEVEL] [--descriptor DESCRIPTOR] [--start-date START_DATE]
                              [--end-date END_DATE] [--version VERSION] [--extension EXTENSION]
                              [--output-format {table,json}]

Query the IMAP SDC for files matching the query parameters. The query parameters are optional, but at least one must
be provided.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --instrument {codice,glows,hi,hit,idex,lo,mag,swapi,swe,ultra}
                        Name of the instrument
  --data-level DATA_LEVEL
                        Data level of the product (l0, l1a, l2, etc.)
  --descriptor DESCRIPTOR
                        Descriptor of the product (raw, burst, etc.)
  --start-date START_DATE
                        Start date in YYYYMMDD format
  --end-date END_DATE   End date in YYYYMMDD format
  --version VERSION     Version of the product in the format 'v00-00'
  --extension EXTENSION
                        File extension (cdf, pkts, etc.)
  --output-format {table,json}
                        How to format the output, default is 'table'

New Dependencies

Updated Files

bourque commented 4 months ago

pre-commit autofix

bourque commented 4 months ago

pre-commit autofix