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SPIKE: List SPICE Tools #280

Open laspsandoval opened 10 months ago

laspsandoval commented 10 months ago

This will be used to make a list of SPICE tools that are required for instrument processing.


GFMoraga commented 9 months ago

This might be helpful for the SPIKE.

SPICE Time Utilities:
        str2et: Convert string-formatted time to ephemeris time (ET).
        et2utc: Convert ephemeris time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
        sce2c: Convert spacecraft clock time to ephemeris time.

SPICE Position and Velocity Calculations:
        spkpos: Compute the position of a target body relative to an observer at a specified time.
        spkezr: Compute the state (position and velocity) of a target body at a specified time.
        spkgeo: Compute geometric states (position and velocity) of a target relative to an observer.

SPICE Transformations - Position Vectors Between Reference Frames:
        pxform: Transform position vectors from one reference frame to another.
        mxv: Multiply a 3x3 matrix with a 3-element vector (used in transformations).
        xpose: Transpose a matrix.

There is an email thread going about SPICE. Just wanted to reference that in this spike.

This is also a helpful link: