IMAP-Science-Operations-Center / sds-data-manager

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BUG -psycopg error from pytests #394

Closed tech3371 closed 1 week ago

tech3371 commented 1 week ago

Description of the issue

We are unable to run pytest locally to test anything because of issue listed in the ticket. The logic in the file was added to tests's test_duplicate_job(). I undid that change since it's more important to test other tests. If we want to continue testing batch starter's duplicate job, we will need to revisit. I will create issue to capture that.

Because of new changes in tests/lambda_endpoints/ that checks which database server to run, it causes below issue. I undid lot of new changes in that file related to the issue. We will need to revisit and figure out how we want to resolve that.

Steps to reproduce the issue

run pytest command from sds-data-manager root path.

Expected behavior (What should happen)

run pytest command without issue

Actual behavior (What does happen)

/Users/tech3371/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/sds-data-manager-Be1fnlCS-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/config/ PluggyTeardownRaisedWarning: A plugin raised an exception during an old-style hookwrapper teardown. Plugin: helpconfig, Hook: pytest_cmdline_parse ImportError: no pq wrapper available. Attempts made:

Code Snippet:

"""Setup testing environment to test lambda handler code."""

import subprocess
from unittest.mock import patch

import boto3
import pytest
from moto import mock_events, mock_s3
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

from sds_data_manager.lambda_code.SDSCode.database import database as db
from sds_data_manager.lambda_code.SDSCode.database.models import Base

BUCKET_NAME = "test-data-bucket"

def _set_env(monkeypatch):
    """Set global environment variables."""
    monkeypatch.setenv("S3_BUCKET", BUCKET_NAME)
    # Mock AWS Credentials for moto
    monkeypatch.setenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "testing")
    monkeypatch.setenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "testing")
    monkeypatch.setenv("AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN", "testing")
    monkeypatch.setenv("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN", "testing")
    monkeypatch.setenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", "us-east-1")

def science_file():
    """Path to a valid science file."""
    return "imap/swe/l1a/2010/01/imap_swe_l1a_test-description_20100101_v000.cdf"

def spice_file():
    """Path to a valid spice file."""
    return "spice/ck/test_v000.bc"

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="module")
def s3_client():
    """Mock S3 Client, so we don't need network requests."""
    with mock_s3():
        s3_client = boto3.client("s3", region_name="us-east-1")


        yield s3_client

def events_client():
    """Mock EventBridge client."""
    with mock_events():
        yield boto3.client("events", region_name="us-west-2")

# Check if postgres is available on the system. If it is returncode == 0
POSTGRES_AVAILABLE = ("which psql", shell=True, check=False).returncode == 0


    def connection(postgresql):
        """Use a postgres connection string."""
        return f"postgresql+psycopg://{}:@{}:{}/{}"

    def connection():
        """Fallback to sqlite in memory database."""
        return "sqlite:///:memory:"

# NOTE: The default scope is function, so each test function will
#       get a new database session and start fresh each time.
def session(connection):
    """Create a test postgres database engine."""
    with patch.object(db, "Session") as mock_session:
        engine = create_engine(connection)

        # Create the tables and session

        with sessionmaker(bind=engine)() as session:
            # Attach this session to the mocked module's Session call
            mock_session.return_value = session

            # Provide the session to the tests
            yield session

            # Cleanup after the test
            # Drop tables to ensure clean state for next test

Additional notes, affected areas, and suggested fixes

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