IMB11 / Flow

Configurable ease in-out inventory UI transitions.
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question about compatibility with REI #12

Closed peow closed 3 months ago

peow commented 5 months ago

I noticed that the mod does not work correctly using REI, the animation is not fluid, will there be no compatibility with REI?

peow commented 5 months ago

how can i know REI screen class name to disable it?

WildFyr16 commented 4 months ago

I would also like to know this, I really like the animation this mod adds button fact that REI does not work at all when this mod is enabled is a real disappointment.

peow commented 3 months ago

I would also like to know this, I really like the animation this mod adds button fact that REI does not work at all when this mod is enabled is a real disappointment.

@WildFyr16 now rei is working in flow 1.5.0