IMB11 / SkinShuffle

Choose and change your skin in-game!
17 stars 8 forks source link

Game Crash due to cape requests #40

Closed vindextra closed 7 months ago

vindextra commented 11 months ago

Describe the issue

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_1011.method_4307()" because "this.field_5200" is null

When there's more than 10 skin loaded into the picker, the game will crash after a relog when you try to open the skin presets menu. I looked into the error code presented, and it returned a similar issue from a different mod, saying the crash involved cape rendering A bit more looking into my crashed revealed that there was about 114 requests for my player's cape (Vindextra) sent in the same second.

steps to recreate:

  1. open minecraft
  2. create 11+ presets in the menu
  3. close and reopen the game
  4. click on the presets menu

Relevant log output (Crash report) (latest.log)

SkinShuffle version


Extra information

Error initially found in a personal QOL/improvements clientside modpack, but after the issue persisted I tested it with only fabric-api-0.85.0+1.20.1 (current newest version) and no resource packs loaded, and the error persisted.