IMCR-Hackathon / Hackathon-Central-2018

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Develop metadata-driven plotting tools in R that produce interactive graphics #12

Open jhp7e opened 6 years ago

jhp7e commented 6 years ago

R has a ton of different tools for creating interactive plots that can be zoomed, panned and scanned (e.g., to display individual data values (packages include: Plotly, GGobi, iPlots, Shiny, Dygraphs). However, they can also be a chore to figure out and implement. It would be good to see if we could come up with some simplified functions for a few of the most common ecological use cases. Ideally we would be able to use metadata-driven code generation to provide web graphics that would allow users to rapidly assess suitability for use of data.

kcawley commented 6 years ago

This sounds useful and interesting. At NEON we have been using plotly for a first look at our stream morphology data (

jpshanno commented 6 years ago

I was going to bring up a tool I made for use in our project that I think could be easily generalized. Right now it's set up to fit linear regressions and allow you to remove known artifacts of sampling, but making the plot type an optional input would be doable. I have a demo version at