Demonstration Project 3 of ConcePTION, on Multiple sclerosis and SLE
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D3 codebooks #1

Open RosaMGini opened 1 year ago

RosaMGini commented 1 year ago

dear @mariebeslay,

i uploaded the minutes on Drive in the folder 'meetings' at this link

davide and i will work on the D3s before next meeting. is the document DP3_SAP_algoMS_V4 you sent me the same as the one on the Google Drive? is so, let's work on that version.

i suggest we stop sharing file via email, and stop exchanging emails, and we switch to GitHub for conversations and to Drive for file exchange. do you agree? i am posting this message on GitHub and invite you to respond here. i am also tagging the other members of the study team so they receive notifications @DavideMessinaARS @JoanKMorris @ChristineDamase @anabbeau (i cannot tag yvonne and justine yet because i don't have their GitHub accounts yet)

cheers, rosa

mariebeslay commented 1 year ago

Dear @RosaMGini,

Regarding the SAP: yes, it is the same as the one on the google drive.

No problem for switching to to GitHub for conversations and to Drive for file exchange !

Best regards,


mariebeslay commented 1 year ago

Dear @RosaMGini and @DavideMessinaARS,

I realized that the SAP on the google drive was not completely up to date, I just updated it. Don't hesitate if you have any question.

Best regards,


RosaMGini commented 1 year ago

i have reviewed the SAP1 D3 codebooks and they mostly look ok. i have simplified the D3_study_population_SAP1, because we are now designing the function CountPrevalence that will handle the time-varying agebands. however, i added the variable 'start_of_observation_period' (which may happen much earlier than the cohort entry date) because we need it to ascertain how long is the lookback period

i will further analyse the SAP2 D3s, but i gave priority to start the D4 codebooks, i am going to open a corresponding issue