Demonstration Project 3 of ConcePTION, on Multiple sclerosis and SLE
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Template 8 #25

Open mariebeslay opened 1 month ago

mariebeslay commented 1 month ago

It seeems that the denominator include all pregnancies, including those without MS, and even more. The denominator during the entire period is 149,399 whereas 141,539 are included according to template 1

DavideMessinaARS commented 1 month ago

In attachment a newer step to test. This should retain only pregnancies with MS

mariebeslay commented 1 month ago

Thanks it works.

Here are new issues : The denominator in 2005-2019 is 125 instead of the 123 pregnancies with MS (we have 123 in Template 1). Some lines are in double : 2005-2019 (one always contains 0 exposed preg)

For exposure before pregnancy (column_identifier=pre_1 to pre_4): I can't find the definition of pre_1 to pre_4. pre_1 is the only containing exposed cases so I assume this is the 3 months before pregnancy. But the same results should be obseved for 12 months before pregnancy

For exposure during T1 / year : still wrong denominator for 2005-2019 + in 2015 I have 2 more pregnancies exposed to glat_acetate than you have.

For exposure during T2 and T3 / year : we have the same exposure but the denominators do not seem correct because they are similar to denominator for T1, but we have some pregnancies ending in T1/T2 that should not be in the denominator.

Stratification / age : we have different results

Should we meet ?

DavideMessinaARS commented 1 month ago

Should we meet ?


mariebeslay commented 1 month ago

I have an exposure after pregnancy to Interferon_beta_1a in 2014 (25-29 age group) but we do not have data after pregnancy in EFEMERIS, and I do not see a pregnancy starting <3 months after the end of a previous one that could explain this exposure

DavideMessinaARS commented 1 month ago

Are you available tomorrow afternoon for a call?

mariebeslay commented 1 month ago

Yes, what time ?

DavideMessinaARS commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure. At 12 I should be the most free. Now that I think about it in the afternoon I may be traveling

mariebeslay commented 1 month ago

Ok for 12 ! And if you are available before, let me know