IMJLA / Export-Permission

Create CSV, HTML, and XML reports of permissions
MIT License
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If all ACE identities filtered out by Get-FolderPermissionBlock, errors result #48

Closed IMJLA closed 10 months ago

IMJLA commented 10 months ago

Expected Behavior

No errors, just a report with no identities listed due to filtering

Current Behavior


DEBUG:   2024-01-14T06:41:18.1432       TestPC    TestPC\User      Permission.psm1: line 146       Export-FolderPermissionHtml     146     Debug   Get-FolderPermissionsBlock @GetFolderPermissionsBlock
InvalidOperation: Index operation failed; the array index evaluated to null.
InvalidOperation: Index operation failed; the array index evaluated to null.
Get-Member: You must specify an object for the Get-Member cmdlet.
Get-Member: You must specify an object for the Get-Member cmdlet.


DEBUG:   2024-01-14T06:41:18.4227       TestPC    TestPC\User      Permission.psm1: line 282       Export-FolderPermissionHtml     282     Debug   Get-HtmlBody -FolderList $JsonFolderList -HtmlFolderPermissions $FormattedFolderPermissions.JsonDiv
ConvertTo-BootstrapTableScript: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'DataJson' because it is an empty string.
ConvertTo-BootstrapTableScript: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'DataJson' because it is an empty string.


Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

IMJLA commented 10 months ago

bug resolved in 0.0.176 which incorporates v0.0.63 of the Permission module

workaround implemented was to send a dummy object down the pipeline

closing bug, but adding new issue as enhancement to dig deeper into this behavior and implement a better solution

    # Bugfix #48
    # Sending a dummy object down the line to avoid errors
    # TODO: More elegant solution needed. Downstream code should be able to handle null input.
    # TODO: Why does this suppress errors, but the object never appears in the tables?
    if ($null -eq $FilteredAccounts) {
        $FilteredAccounts = [pscustomobject]@{
            'Name'  = 'NoAccountsMatchingCriteria'
            'Group' = [pscustomobject]@{
                'IdentityReference' = '.'
                'Access'            = '.'
                'Name'              = '.'
                'Department'        = '.'
                'Title'             = '.'