Update to Note 1 only:Current Definition: A reference transaction includes information and referral service, unscheduled individual instruction and assistance in using information sources (including websites and computer-assisted instruction).
Revised Definition: A reference transaction includes information and referral service, individual instruction and assistance in using information sources (including websites and computer-assisted instruction).
It looks like the concept of “unscheduled” was added in FY2014 (see Justification for Change - PLS 2014). However, current definitions of reference service from ALA/RUSA and NISO do not contain any references to the scheduled or unscheduled nature of the transactions. The definitions instead look at the nature of the work and specific tasks.
Even though this concept is included in the notes, not in the definition itself, library staff tend to focus on “unscheduled” and as a result may purposely omit any scheduled or planned reference transactions, such as an appointment for database help or “book a librarian” services. Based on current definitions of reference work, all of these transactions should be counted in this data element, and the word "unscheduled" should be removed.
Name: Maria Bernier
State/Affiliation: SDC, Connecticut State Library
Description of Change: Existing Data Element:
Update to Note 1 only: Current Definition: A reference transaction includes information and referral service, unscheduled individual instruction and assistance in using information sources (including websites and computer-assisted instruction).
Revised Definition: A reference transaction includes information and referral service, individual instruction and assistance in using information sources (including websites and computer-assisted instruction).
Justification: It looks like the concept of “unscheduled” was added in FY2014 (see Justification for Change - PLS 2014). However, current definitions of reference service from ALA/RUSA and NISO do not contain any references to the scheduled or unscheduled nature of the transactions. The definitions instead look at the nature of the work and specific tasks.
Even though this concept is included in the notes, not in the definition itself, library staff tend to focus on “unscheduled” and as a result may purposely omit any scheduled or planned reference transactions, such as an appointment for database help or “book a librarian” services. Based on current definitions of reference work, all of these transactions should be counted in this data element, and the word "unscheduled" should be removed.
Potential methodological issues: Unknown
States already collecting: Indiana