IMLS / public-libraries-survey

FY 2026 IMLS Public Libraries Survey: Solicitation of Data Elements Changes
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Delete AE COVID data elements - 510 - 522 #65

Closed mgolrick closed 1 year ago

mgolrick commented 2 years ago

Name: Michael Golrick

State/Affiliation: State Library of Louisiana

Description of Change: Delete data element #510 - 522

Current Definition: See pages 20-21 of the 2022 definitions posted on the wiki

Justification: These 8 data elements (some numbers were skipped) were added to capture data specific to the lockdown due to COVID-19. They are no longer meaningful.

Potential methodological issues: Reduces burden for both library and SDC.

yanademireva commented 2 years ago

Agree that these are no longer relevant and should be removed.

MFAroWI commented 2 years ago

Wisconsin supports this removal.

mariabernier10601 commented 2 years ago

Yes, delete them all!

mgolrick commented 2 years ago

As a note, NPR had a story this weekend that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is dropping its collection of COVID information and impact on employment/unemployment.

KristenCooke commented 2 years ago

Arkansas agrees.