By adding the DVTR_ID from the Microsoft Access file, cities are now mapped to all of their watersheds. The DVTR table that was pulled from that access file is located in /data/water/TBL_City_DVTR_DVSN.csv (just for reference). This file was joined with the watershed shapefile and then organized to be just like the city_intake_mapping file, just with the DVTR_ID column added. This resolves #15, but does bring back our problem of processing cities with multiple large watersheds. The slice code can only work for cities with one large watershed, so we will need to update that.
By adding the DVTR_ID from the Microsoft Access file, cities are now mapped to all of their watersheds. The DVTR table that was pulled from that access file is located in /data/water/TBL_City_DVTR_DVSN.csv (just for reference). This file was joined with the watershed shapefile and then organized to be just like the city_intake_mapping file, just with the DVTR_ID column added. This resolves #15, but does bring back our problem of processing cities with multiple large watersheds. The slice code can only work for cities with one large watershed, so we will need to update that.