I want use the rigidibody raw data from motion capture system, But i found when i wrote the marker and dynamics in the robot_types, It will aways generate the rigidbodies to the yaml. If empty, then error, It seems to the essential field. and librigidbodytracker is always working, then output WARN info like No updated pose for cf2 .
In fact, the pointcloud is coming from the unlabledmarkers, It has no conflict with the rigidbodies. but what should i set the params to disable the warning info, or must i do modify the source code.
enabled: true
# only if enabled; see motion_capture.yaml
marker: mocap_deck
dynamics: default
big_quad: false
voltage_warning: 3.8 # V
voltage_critical: 3.7 # V
[motion_capture_tracking_node-1] [WARN] [1728734491.474338487] [motion_capture_tracking]: No updated pose for cf2 for 1728734491.474086 s.
[motion_capture_tracking_node-1] [WARN] [1728734491.524861453] [motion_capture_tracking]: error: only 3 neighbors found for rigid body cf2 (need 4)
[motion_capture_tracking_node-1] [WARN] [1728734491.524925685] [motion_capture_tracking]: rigid body tracker initialization failed - check that position is correct, all markers are visible, and marker configuration matches config file
I want use the rigidibody raw data from motion capture system, But i found when i wrote the marker and dynamics in the robot_types, It will aways generate the rigidbodies to the yaml. If empty, then error, It seems to the essential field. and librigidbodytracker is always working, then output WARN info like No updated pose for cf2 .
In fact, the pointcloud is coming from the unlabledmarkers, It has no conflict with the rigidbodies. but what should i set the params to disable the warning info, or must i do modify the source code.