IMarkoMC / Tokens

Ok skid + stay mad + cry harder + didn't ask + got ur token lol + don't care
113 stars 27 forks source link

Lmao #44

Closed MakeSureDudeDies closed 1 year ago

MakeSureDudeDies commented 1 year ago

Ok that was funny, my thing wasn't a prishing or anything but it was a bot i used to joke around with friends...

guess i have to secure my thing harder

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

You have a guide on how to protect your secrets using env variables in this repo

MakeSureDudeDies commented 1 year ago

You have a guide on how to protect your secrets using env variables in this repo

alright thanks lol

MakeSureDudeDies commented 1 year ago

I will also keep up with this repo, its funny to see people cry over thier server being "destroyed with unwanted content" (nsfw)

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

I will also keep up with this repo, its funny to see people cry over thier server being "destroyed with unwanted content" (nsfw)

This repo is just a token deletion repo as the readme says. I'm not doing anything against Discord ToS (raiding/sending unsolicited dms/unwanted content) but if someone else finds the token and raids the server there's nothing i can do more than uploading it to github to make it invalid

sprucecellodev125 commented 1 year ago

Token deletion repo heh? I think one or more token in this repo still functioning

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Token deletion repo heh? I think one or more token in this repo still functioning

They are deleted by discord once they're detected. It's nearly instant

sprucecellodev125 commented 1 year ago

Ah yes nEArLy InsTAnT ThEY dEleTeD tHE t0kEn in 5 sEc0nds !!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1

Also, why you make this repo? why not make something better? If you want to warn replit users if their token got leaked, comment at their repl or try to invalidate them.

sprucecellodev125 commented 1 year ago

If you want to block me, go ahead

sprucecellodev125 commented 1 year ago

Security is more important

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Are you dumb or what m8?

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Security is more important

Posting a token to get it invalidated without breaking Discord ToS is the fastest way to avoid someone else using a bot token for something else

sprucecellodev125 commented 1 year ago

I'm not dumb enough but still, try think harder to invalidate bot token in any way

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

I'm not dumb enough but still, try think harder to invalidate bot token in any way

There's no other way within Discord ToS. Continue crying

sprucecellodev125 commented 1 year ago

I'm not crying yet

sprucecellodev125 commented 1 year ago

But you guys should be cry

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Should be cry?

Your IQ is so low that you cannot even write a proper sentence.

sprucecellodev125 commented 1 year ago

Should be cry?

Your IQ is so low that you cannot even write a proper sentence.

Honestly, English is NOT my native language but there's still a button to shutdown this repo

Ok that's enough bye

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Honestly, English is NOT my native language but there's still a button to shutdown this repo

I will not shutdown this repo. You can complain all you want.

Whanos commented 1 year ago

I'm not dumb enough but still, try think harder to invalidate bot token in any way

This literally is the fastest, easiest, and most TOS compliant way to invalidate a token. We don't even touch the bot or login to it. We just upload it here, and discord automatically deletes it.

RealJasonCitronNotFake commented 1 year ago


You've reached the automated complaints department of SkidMaster Holdings LLC. If you'd like to complain about our revolutionary, top of the range token dejigamaflipper, please reply "YES" to this message.

Thanks, Alan [BOT] This message was definitely automated.

Whanos commented 1 year ago

Ah yes nEArLy InsTAnT ThEY dEleTeD tHE t0kEn in 5 sEc0nds !!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1

Also, why you make this repo? why not make something better? If you want to warn replit users if their token got leaked, comment at their repl or try to invalidate them.

When a token is uploaded here and invalidated by discord, the user who owns the bot gets a DM from Discord explaining as such. They then get linked here, which contains information on what to do.

aamiaa commented 1 year ago

Ah yes nEArLy InsTAnT ThEY dEleTeD tHE t0kEn in 5 sEc0nds !!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1

GitHub has something called Secret scanning partner program which allows services like Discord to request github to scan all repositories for specific matches and report to their callback url instantly. It's precisely what Discord uses to invalidate tokens posted on GitHub in realtime.

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago


RealJasonCitronNotFake commented 1 year ago

Thank you for opting in to learn more about our dejigamaflipping techniques.

We're the leading organisation in the dejigamaflipping industry. We work with all kinds of dejigamaflipping methods to dejigamaflip misplaced tokens and prevent abuse.

If you'd like to see our official certificate from the International Commission on Dejigamaflippage, see attached. SKDMSTR_CERT_19

Want to learn more? Reply "YES"!

Thanks, Alan [BOT] This message was definitely automated.

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago


RealJasonCitronNotFake commented 1 year ago

Thank you for opting in to learn more about SkidMaster Holdings LLC.

We're the hard workers that manually sit through and read every GitHub repo and Replit repl to absorb any token or webhook we come across. So far, we've read through over 1,000,000 lines of code. Want proof? Look at this tally counter we manually click + every time we read a line of code!


Please note: We are NOT to be mistaken with skidmaster69420 LLC, who are our biggest rival. They eat up all of the tokens and webhooks before we can! This makes Alan sad and cry at night. (◡︵◡)

Thanks, Alan [BOT] This message was definitely automated.

skidmaster69420 commented 1 year ago

[Fly Department of Public Relations]


Unpaid Intern is currently not available to respond to the issue. However as the court order demands that we answer to all and any issues opened, we are hereby doing said task for him. We have taken notice of the stupidity of a commenter here, who is accusing this Repo of not being sufficient. This is frankly, untrue. This Repo has helped keep many tokens secure, which happened to be leaked.

It is not our responsibility to send a warn message to every single person who had their token leaked, since that is first off not even possible. However we can help them not get their bot stolen, which this Repo is here for.

The educational breakdown aside, we also wish to leave a "satirical comment" as Unpaid Intern does, so that even though in his absence, the contents of the messages do not lose in quality.

For this purpose we'll be comparing your stupid idea to that of a house burglary. Basically, having your token leaked is almost like losing your key. We basically terminate the lock so that your lost key can't be used to open your house. You instead want us to warn you, but still have your house broken into.

We are not sure if that's a financially reasonable idea.

We have taken Notice of SkidMasterHoldings. Please be advised, that we do not do this for competition. We do this in order to get the Parking Tickets of BOSS paid. Once that is done, we will probably dissolve. Though that remains to be seen.

Sincerely, Fly Department of Public Relations SKIDMASTER69420 LLC